Orange County NC Website
S - <br />PALS <br />other purpose in connection with the installation, operation <br />and maintenance of the System. Each user and property owner <br />f <br />upon whose property any portion of the System or connections <br />to it is located recognizes this need aad by making <br />application fo= sewer services .grants authority to authorized <br />agents of the County for this purpose. <br />• 8. The Sever Easement and Agreement includes <br />. _. _- . . ,__ -~- . _ agrant to 'the County of ~ an eas®ment for...- the puxposes <br />- ~ described 3.n that agreement. Sach user and owner by making <br />application for sewer serv3.ees acknowledg®s the easement and' <br />• tha rights described 3n that easement. <br />~•.•... ~ ~ xx. CBArrGE o~ oCCUpAr~tlr <br />. ~ • • . ~ .- The owner of premises which i s served by the <br />Amended gystea- is~responsible for noti£ying•the County or its duly <br />3/1/88 <br />authorized agent of any change i.a the occupancy of his/her <br />premises. Any change in the uae of the premises which is <br />• connect®d to•the System will be communicated tv the County <br />and the Tor~r- of Hillsborough for prior approval as described <br />3.ii A~t$c].e II of th®se rules and regulations. <br />XIz. METER READING - BILLING - COLLECTING <br />e~ <br />i~ <br />A. Orange County and, i£ applicable, its <br />billing and toll®ctl,nq agent's records will be the basis for <br />all charges for service. All users are encouraged to <br />Amended m81ntaia recei is and Other <br />3%1/88- ~ P Payment information and~to bring• <br />any discrepancies in the user's records and the County's <br />• records to the attent~,on of the billing and collecting agent <br />].0 <br />