Orange County NC Website
l -- -- <br />- PAGE <br />" added in full to the user's next statement unless other . <br />arrangements ,are made which are satisfactory to the County. <br />IX. J~XTENSIONS OF THS SYSTEM <br />System extenS3.ons to serve undeveloped land <br />may occur, but • only, as follo~vs: . <br />. A. Ali suc extensions must be consistent <br />w~,th the overall system pl a as adopted rom tam® to tame by <br />' Drsnge County. All such a ens,~ons st be _a <br />" J~F'rcve by ~ _. <br />- ,...: . <br />.County Engineer. <br />• ~ $. Extension of th® bystem to new <br />develops~ents can only be approved by the County Engineer of <br />Amended,.; all zoning, subdiva,sion, land use plan and compreh®nsive plan <br />3/1/•B~8 " <br />regulations of orange County or the Town of Sillsborough, if <br />applicable, are met. respect to ®ub xv the <br />subdfvis3~on plat must be $pproved by the County <br />or the Town., if applicable, - which prel m nary shall <br />include approved preliminary plans for the System extension. <br />P;a :red de~ieloPment plans ~rhich include System, extensions <br />must include approved preliQxnary plans for the System <br />extension. - <br />F~ <br />`' C- All System extensions must be consistent <br />with Goal 9.3 of the Orange County Land Ilse plan which goal <br />"Proh~.bit[s] the establishment of public water and sewer <br />services ~.n the areas designated wat®r .quality <br />• areas, except to address" emergency situations° and with any' <br />8 <br />