Orange County NC Website
~c~~~e~ ~"{G- <br />MEMORANDUM <br />TO: Rod 1/isser. <br />FROM: Donna Dean <br />DATE: March 21, 20Q1 <br />W_.~ -RE: - - - ~ DPI Standards for School Sites - <br />I spoke with representatives from the State Department of Instruction (DPI) today <br />regarding the Commissioner questions you relayed to me about school siting and <br />acreage. The original State standards were developed about 50 years ago -and <br />DPI is seeing mare and more situations where school systems are either unable <br />to find or unable to afford the "'suggested" amount of acreage far a new school. <br />To that end, the State appears to be fairly flexible with regard to acreage <br />standards. They indicated that many factors come into play when they review a <br />proposed site -examples of these include (1) whether the school is one story or <br />multi-level, (2) co-location of recreational or library facilities. that can be used by <br />the students, or (3) consideration of "off-site" parking (for example, if a nearby <br />church has a parking lot that can be used during the week by teachers and on <br />the weekends by the congregation). <br />While DPI did indicate that it is not likely that they would deny a project, it is <br />possible, in certain cases where acreage did not meet standards, that they may <br />issue a "statement" indicating that the school site did not meet State guidelines. <br />Each project is reviewed on a case-by-case, site-by-site basis. This would also <br />be the case when a school did not meet the minimum square footage guidelines. <br />