Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: F25D1363-3C80-4E05-BE2E-2AOE4504F292 <br /> How will you Our goal will be met by our ability to retain the services of our current <br /> evaluate whether or band director. With his continued leadership we anticipate continued <br /> not your goals have improvement of our skills during the 2019-2020 season, and our <br /> been met? audiences will provide feedback regarding the success of our efforts. <br /> How do you promote The band maintains a website, posts our events on FaceBook and in <br /> and publicize the a few NextDoor list-serves. To publicize concerts and recruit new <br /> work of your members, we have posted flyers on local bulletin boards and <br /> organization? recorded Public Service Announcements on WCHL Radio. <br /> Some venues -- such as University Place, American Legion Post 6, <br /> NC Botanical Garden, Mebane 4th of July Event, Preservation Chapel <br /> Hill's Old-Fashioned 4th of July, and retirement homes -- often <br /> include our band's participation in their promotions for their own <br /> events. In addition, Band members invite friends and families to <br /> concerts and spread the word at their work places. <br /> Please describe The band requests organizations that invite us to perform to pay us a <br /> efforts by your gratuity, suggested to be $200 per concert. A donation box for cash <br /> organization to donations is sometimes made available, depending on the type of <br /> generate revenue. venue for which we perform. For example, we do not mention a need <br /> for donations when performing at a retirement home like Carolina <br /> Meadows, where concerts and social events are supported by the <br /> residents, but we do solicit contributions at the NC Botanical Garden, <br /> where the audience consists of members of the general public. <br /> Non-student members of the band are asked to donate $50 each <br /> semester to support the organization. These funds pay for the <br /> musical director who is the only paid employee of the band; all other <br /> members are volunteers. <br /> NOTE FOR Only requests for program/project funds need to submit a <br /> PANELISTS program/project budget. Requests for operating funds should be <br /> evaluated using the organization's financial docs submitted under <br /> "Organization Information." <br /> Resumes of artists/administrators <br /> resume._Sharon.2019.pdf <br /> John_Fuller.pdf <br /> Cox_bio.pdf <br /> resume._REBECCA CASTOR SMITH.pdf <br /> Board of Directors List <br /> _2019VB_Board.pdf <br /> IRS Tax Exemption <br /> VB_Tax_exempt_status_notification.pdf <br /> Publicity Samples <br /> Memorial_Day_publicity.pdf <br /> HWH fiver-ndf <br />