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School Nurse Deployment Proposal <br />Page 5 <br />It was also recognized that to reach the goal with the current complement of open <br />schools, further planning would be necessary. The staffs of each of the respective <br />agencies were tasked with developing a specific plan for achieving the goal in order for <br />the plan to be considered during budget deliberations this spring. <br />The staff working group met in February to develop the specifics of the plan. <br />Recommendations for increases in the number of nurses is tied to the number of <br />schools currently on -line in each of the school systems since the assumption was made <br />that new schools would include a nurse in its -core staffing complement. <br />The estimated annual cost for one -nurse totals approximately $47,650. In addition, <br />there are one -time start -up costs of about $3,600 for each position. The table below <br />out one proposal, phased -in over a two -year period, that would enable both school <br />districts to meet the goal of one full -time nurse in every school. If the plan below were <br />initiated with the upcoming- fiscal year (FY 2001 -02), the goal would be attained in fiscal <br />year 2002 -03: <br />Estimated Annual Cost for One Nurse <br />Salary & Fringes 45,860 <br />Operating Costs 1,790 <br />Estimated Total Annual Cost 47,650 <br />Plus: One -Time Start-Up Costs 3,592 <br />Estimated Total First Year Cost 51,242 <br />Year 3 and <br />School District Year One (1) <br />Year Two (2) <br />Beyond (3) <br />CHCCS <br />Additional # Nurses Required to Meet <br />Goal 3 <br />3 <br />0 <br />Estimated Cost to Meet Goal $153,726 <br />$296,676 <br />$285,900 <br />OCS <br />Additional # Nurses Required to Meet <br />Goal 2 <br />1 <br />0 <br />Estimated Cost to Meet Goal $102,484 <br />$146,542 <br />$142,950 <br />Total Estimated Cost for Both <br />Districts $256,210 <br />$443,218 <br />$428,850 <br />Year one includes annual cost plus one -time start-up <br />Year two includes annual cost for positions added in year 1 <br />plus annual and one -time <br />start -up for positions added in year 2 <br />(3) Year 3 and beyond includes annual cost of positions added in Year 1 and Year 2 <br />