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21 <br /> <br />Patrick Mallett said not, of which, he is aware. <br /> <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Bedford, seconded by Commissioner Greene for <br />the Board to open public hearing. <br /> <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> <br />PUBLIC COMMENT: <br />Crystal Gauldoni she said this re-zoning will directly affect her property, as it touches 3 <br />sides of her property. She said she is the granddaughter of the property owner, and she feels it <br />should not be rezoned as commercial as it will cause more harm than good in the community, <br />and to her family. She said her greatest concern is the mini-storage facility. She said she has 4 <br />children and has lived on this property on 2010, and she does not want to move. She said she <br />feels this storage facility will increase the crime rate in her neighborhood. She said the <br />developer’s son-in-law is a known local drug addict. She said she has been a victim of crime in <br />this neighborhood, and this will only offer more fodder to criminals. She said she is also <br />concerned that a storage facility will affect the resale value of her home. <br />Patrick Mallett said this is a general use case, and he said everything must be <br />considered that may be permitted, as opposed to specifying one use versus another. <br />Charles Huffine, Civil Engineer for the property owner, said the owner initially excluded <br />this parcel. He said the Planning Commission found this to be favorable, and all conditions <br />were completely met. He said this is a general zoning, and not anything conditional. He said it <br />is open to all the permitted uses in the County’s permitted use table. <br />Commissioner Price asked if there are other uses to the west of the young woman’s <br />home. <br />Patrick Mallett said the current use today includes agriculture in the rear and a <br />landscaping/contracting business. <br />Charles Huffine said to the left of the woman’s home is currently NC-2 zoning, which <br />covers the landscape business, there is a residential area, and part of the rezoning provides for <br />a 100-foot buffer from residential use to the commercial use. <br />Patrick Mallett said he reviewed the property and pointed out uses and required buffers. <br /> <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Bedford, seconded by Commissioner McKee to <br />close the public hearing. (Note that because this is a legislative decision, additional comments <br />at a later date are permitted.) <br /> <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Bedford, seconded by Commissioner McKee to: <br />Approve the Statement of Consistency (Attachment 7) <br /> <br />VOTE: Ayes, 4 (Commissioner McKee, Commissioner Bedford, Commissioner Greene, <br />Commissioner Marcoplos); Nays, 2 (Chair Rich and Commissioner Price) <br /> <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Bedford, seconded by Commissioner McKee to <br />Approve the Ordinance amending the Zoning Atlas (Attachment 8) as recommended by the <br />Planning Board and Planning Director. <br /> <br />VOTE: Ayes, 4 (Commissioner McKee, Commissioner Bedford, Commissioner Greene, <br />Commissioner Marcoplos); Nays, 2 (Chair Rich and Commissioner Price) <br />