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18 <br /> <br />STAFF COMMENT: Staff will present these materials and facilitate the public hearing at the <br />BOCC’s September 3, 2019 regular meeting. <br /> <br />NOTE: property is not located within a Watershed Protection Overlay district. <br />For more information on the request, please refer to Attachment 1. As previously indicated, <br />maps denoting the subject property are contained within Attachments 2 and 3. <br /> <br />Other pertinent information concerning the property is as follows: <br />• Future Land Use Map (FLUM) Designation: The property is located within an area of the <br />County designated as Commercial-Industrial Transition Activity Node (CITAN). The <br />FLUM can be accessed utilizing the following link: <br /> <br />• Comprehensive Plan: Per Appendix F, “Relationships Between Land Use Categories <br />and Zoning Districts Matrix” of the adopted Orange County Comprehensive Plan, GC-4 <br />is an allowable general use zoning category for property located within a CITAN. For <br />more information on the definition of CITAN, and to review the allowed zoning <br />designations permitted within same, the Comprehensive Plan can be accessed utilizing <br />the following link: <br />• Growth Management System Map Designation: The property is Urban Designated. <br />STAFF COMMENT: The Growth Management System Map is a tool utilized by staff <br />to identify permit review thresholds for residential (i.e., subdivision) projects. <br />• Water and Sewer Management, Planning and Boundary Agreement (WASMPBA): <br />Property is located within the Orange County Primary Service Area meaning public <br />utilities (i.e. water and sewer) could be extended to the property. Public utility service <br />would be provided by the City of Mebane, who will likely require voluntary annexation to <br />allow services to be extended to serve a proposed land use. The document can be <br />accessed utilizing the following link: <br /> <br />Management-Planning-and-Boundary-Agreement-PDF <br />• Transportation: Per the adopted Efland Buckhorn Mebane Access Management Plan, <br />West Ten Road (west of Buckhorn Road and east of Bowman Road) is recommended to <br />have 2-lanes of traffic with a 2-way left turn lane contained within a minimum of 80 feet <br />of right-of-way. The Plan also calls for the development of either a 5-foot wide paved <br />shoulder or curb/gutter with a bike lane and sidewalk. Development of the revised <br />roadway is intended to be achieved through the State Transportation Improvement <br />Program (STIP). At the time of development site plan submittal for the property, the <br />potential for additional right-of-way and/or road improvements will be determined. The <br />Plan can be accessed utilizing the following link: <br /> <br />Public Notifications: In accordance with Section 2.8 of the Unified Development Ordinance <br />(UDO), the following notifications occurred: <br /> <br />August 7, 2019 Planning Board Meeting: Notices of the date, time, location, and purpose of the <br />meeting were sent via first class mail to all property owners within 1,000 feet of the subject <br />parcel on July 11, 2019. A sign advertising the date, time, location, and purpose of the meeting <br />was posted on the property on July 11, 2019. <br /> <br />September 3, 2019 BOCC Public Hearing: Notices of the date, time, location, and purpose of <br />the public hearing were mailed to the same residents, via first class mail, on