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16 <br /> <br />amendment rights, but really it only embraces the rights of those with whom it agrees. He said <br />the first amendment specifically exists to prevent government from infringing on the freedom of <br />Americans to speak freely and assemble peaceably. <br />Latarndra Strong said she was the proud lead organizer of the rally this past Saturday, <br />and she said the rally did her heart well. She said she also attended the prayer vigil on Sunday, <br />and said members of the community took pictures of the group and license plates, and put them <br />on social media. She said this was intimidating and instilled real fear. She said the KKK is clear <br />on its intention towards her community. She said she is not a violent person, has never owned <br />a gun or put her hands on anyone, but she has been called a communist and worse. She said <br />people of color were terrified by the KKK showing up, and the BOCC has a responsibility to stop <br />the nonsense about free speech, when there are violent organizations recruiting in this <br />community. She said this is about terrorism, and she asked the Board to pass the proclamation <br />and to do more. <br />Commissioner Marcoplos said when people come into town with guns and threats, there <br />is a clear difference between free speech and terrorist threats. He said the County has to <br />protect people in the community, and it is easy to cite free speech, but the words spoken at the <br />rally went beyond free speech. <br />Commissioner Price said this Proclamation is good, but the BOCC needs to do more. <br />She said Chair Rich spoke with the Commissioner in Caswell County, but she would like there <br />to be a discussion in this County amongst local leaders. She said, of course, people are going <br />to be intimidated, and many people of color were too afraid to even come to the event on <br />Saturday. She said people of other faiths need to be added to the Proclamation, and she would <br />also like to see language that says Orange County is making strides to be a diverse and <br />inclusive community, because there is still a lot of work to be done. She said she feels that the <br />proclamation needs to state where Orange County stands and what actions the County will take <br />to promote unity and inclusiveness. <br />Commissioner McKee said he grew up in the 1950s and 1960s knowing where the local <br />KKK house was, and who some of the members were. He said in the 1970s and 1980s the <br />tolerance of this nonsense was driven out or sent underground. He said regardless of where <br />these protestors came from, he is certain there are some white robes hanging in closets in <br />Orange County. He said the problem is that the community’s incentive to reject this nonsense <br />seems to be waning, and the KKK seems to be more emboldened. He said anyone who would <br />associate with this type of activity needs to be taken off the street by the Sheriff, but he is not <br />sure if there is a way to do that. He said this is not a reasonable example of free speech. <br />Commissioner Greene thanked all that were involved in the events on Saturday and <br />Sunday. She said it is important to focus on unity. She said it is an aspiration to be unified, and <br />she wants to know how she can be more helpful, as a white ally. <br />Chair Rich said she was out of town all weekend, and she was there in her spirit. <br /> <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Price, seconded by Commissioner Greene for the <br />Board to approve and authorize the Chair to sign the Resolution. <br /> <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> <br />5. Public Hearings <br /> <br />a. Zoning Atlas Amendment for 6405 West Ten Road (PIN 9834-25-2573) – Rezone a <br />16.45 acre Parcel of Property to General Commercial (GC-4) <br />The Board held a public hearing and considered action on a property owner-initiated <br />amendment to the Zoning Atlas for a parcel of property within the Cheeks Township. <br />Specifically, the applicant is requesting to rezone a 16.45 acre, split zoned, parcel of property: