Orange County NC Website
15 <br />Orange-Alamance Water System, Inc. <br />POST OFFICE 90X 187 MEBANE. NORTH CAROLINA 21302 TELEPHONE: (919) Sfi3•fi21z <br />January S, 200 <br />To Whom It May Concern: <br />At the regular monthly meeting held on September 30, 1999, the Baard of Directors of <br />Orange-Alamance Water System, Inc. approved to accept an offer made by Roger James <br />oFRoger James Development, Inc. regarding High Rock Farms Subdivision in Orange <br />County. Mr. James proposed to build 97 homes that would be constructed in six phases. <br />He further proposed to dig deep wells, provide all piping to hook into Orange-Alamance <br />Water, chlorinating equipment, and any other necessary appurtenances to hook into our <br />water system. Upon completion of above, the system would be turned over to Orange- <br />Alamance for ownership. <br />If any questions, please feel free to contact me. <br />Sincerely <br />ORANGE-ALAMANCE WATER SYSTEM, INC. <br />1~°~ ~~ lrw~.r`~ <br />( .) dames E. Covington, <br />President <br />dEC/sfm <br />