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U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE <br />NATURAL RESOURCES CDNSFxiVATION SERVICE <br />RECREATIONAL AEVSLOPMENT <br />6ndnote -- RECREATIONAL DEVELOPM$NT <br />FAGS 2 OF 2 <br />10/30/00 <br />The soils of Che survey area are rated in this report according Co limitations that affect their suitability for <br />recreation. The ratings are based on restrictive soil features, such as wetness, slope, and.texCUre a! Che surface <br />layer. Susceptibility to flooding is considered. Not considexed in the ratings, buC important in evaluating a <br />site, are the location and accessibility of the area, the size and shape of the area and its scenic qualify, <br />vegetation, access to watex, potential watex impoundment sites, sad access Co public sewer lines. The capacity of <br />Che soil to absorb septic tank elfluenC and Che ability of the soil Co euppoxC vegetation axe also important. Soils <br />subject to flooding are limited fox recreation use by the duration and intensity of flooding and the season when <br />flooding occurs. In planning recreation facilities, onaite asaesament of the height, duration, intensity, and frequency <br />of !loading is essential. <br />In thin report Che degree of soil limitakion is expressed as •Slight,• "Moderate," or "Severe." "Slights means thaC soil <br />properties are genexally favorable and the[ limitations are minor and easily overcome. "Moderate" means that <br />limitations can be overcome or alleviated by planning, design, or special maintenance. "Severe" means that Boil <br />properties are unfavorable and Chat limitations can be offset only by cosCly soil reclamation, special design, <br />intensive maintenance, limited use, ox by a combination q! these roeaeures. <br />The information in this report can be supplemented by information available in other reports, for example, <br />interpretations for septic tank abeorpCioa fields in the Sanitary Facilities report and interpretations for dwellings <br />without basements sad for local roads and streets in the Building 61te Development report. <br />CAMP AREAS require site preparation, such as shaping and leveling. the tent and parking areas, aCabilizing roads and <br />intensively used areas, and installing sanitary facilities sad utility lines. Camp areas are subject Co heavy looC <br />traffic and some vehicular traffic. The beet soils have mild slopes and are not weC or subject Co flooding during <br />Che period of use. The surface hoe few or no stones or boulders, absorbs rainfall readily buC remains firm, and is <br />not duaCy when dry. Strong slopes and atones or boulders can greatly increase Che coat of eonsCructing campsites. <br />PICNIC AREAS are subject Cp heavy fooC traffic. Most vehicular traffic is confined to access roads and parking <br />areas. The beat soils for picnic areas are firm when wet, are not dusty when dry, are not subject to flooding during <br />Che period of use, and do not have slopes or stones or boulders that increase the coeC of shaping sites or o! <br />building access roads and parking axeae. <br />PLAYGROUNDS require soils thaC can withsCand intensive foot traffic. The best soils are almost level and are not wet or <br />subject Co flooding during the season of use. The surface is free of stones sad boulders, is firm offer rains, and is <br />not duaCy when dry. If grading is needed, the depth of the soil over bedrock or hardpan should be considered. <br />PATHS AND TRAILS fox hiking sad horseback riding should require little or no cutting and filling. The beat soils <br />arc not wet, ors firm after rains, and not duaCy when dry, and are not eubjecC to flooding more than once a year during <br />the period of use. They have moderate elopes and few or no sconce or boulders on the euxlace. <br />GOLF FAIRNAYS are aubjecC Co heavy foot traffic and same light vehicular traffic. CuCting or filling may be <br />required. The beat soils for use as golf fairways are firm when wet, are noC dusty when dry, and are not subject Co <br />prolonged flooding during the period of use. They have moderate elopes and no atones or boulders oa Che surface. <br />The suitability of the soil for tees or gxeena is not considered is rating Che Boils. <br />