Orange County NC Website
2 <br />• McGowan Creek flows diagonally across the northern end of the tract - <br />• There is floodplain associated with this section of McGowan Creek <br />• A USGS blue-line stream meanders through the southern portion of the tract <br />• An intermittent stream in the southeast portion of the site drains into the USGS blue-line <br />stream <br />Proposed Site Conditions <br />Roads: <br />• The subdivision will be accessed from US Hwy. 70 West <br />• All seven roads (Ashwick Drive, Glenwick Drive, Norwich Court, Fams Wick Place, <br />Chadwick Lane, Benwich Lane, and Straywick Court) will be public and constructed to <br />NCDOT standards <br />Resid®ntial Lots: <br />• Fifty-eight (58)single-family residential lots per the conservation-cluster flexible <br />development option <br />• Average lot size = 15,647 square feet; Gross average lot size = 38,243 square feet <br />• Minimum lot size per R-1 Zoning District = 40,000 square feet (0.92 acre) <br />• Minimum lot size for cluster option (a lot size reduction of up to 65%) = 14,000 <br />square feet <br />• Minimum to actual lot size ratio (MTAR) = 1.12 <br />• Maximum number of lots permitted by R-1 zoning = 55 + 7 (density bonus**) = 62 <br />• One additional lot is allowed per each additional acre of protected open space <br />(Orange County Subdivision Regulations, Section IV-B-10, G, Flexible <br />Development Standards) <br />• Impervious Surface limit for Upper Eno PW = 12% <br />Open Space: <br />• Proposed open space = 24.03 acres (47% of site) <br />• Most of the open space serves as a buffer for McGowan Creek <br />• Minimum open space required for Flexible Development = 16.81 acres (33% of site) <br />• Bonus open space = 7.23 acres** <br />Buffers: <br />• 100-foot open space or building buffer area along the site perimeter and between the <br />subdivision and any off-site public street right-of--way (per Section IV-B-10, D2, Flexible <br />Development Standards) <br />• 75-foot Type-E Land Use Buffer is required along US Hwy 70 West <br />• Type-E Buffer = a buffer composed of predominately (at least 75%) evergreen <br />vegetation that is opaque to a height of at least thirty feet <br />• 100-foot building buffer satisfies the Type-E Land Use Buffer (width) requirement <br />• Typical lot landscape plan specifies primary and secondary tree protection areas <br />Recreation 8< Parks: <br />Public Recreation Space <br />• Cheeks Township District Park (per the Recreation Service Area Boundaries Map) <br />• All subdivisions (located within a floodplain) must provide a minimum of 1/20 acre of <br />recreation space per lot (Section IV-B-7-b) <br />• A minimum of 2.9 acres (926,324 square feet) of land is required for public recreation <br />space <br />• Or a payment in-lieu-of parkland dedication = $26,390 ($455 * 58 lots) <br />