Orange County NC Website
U.S. GEPARTNU'sNT OF AGRICULTURE <br />NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE <br />SANITARY FACIL;TIES <br />Endnote -- SANITARY FACILITIES--ConCinued <br />FAGS 3 OF 3 <br />10/30/00 <br />on soil properties, site features, and observed performance of Che voile. Permeability, depth to bedmck az Co a <br />cemented pan, a high wafer table, elope, and flooding affeeC both types of landfill. Texture, scones and boulders, <br />highly organic layers, soil reaction, and contenC of salts and sodium affect trench Cype landfills. Unless otherwise <br />stated, Che ratings apply only to Chat part of Che soil within a depth of about 6 leeC. For deeper trenches, a <br />limitation rate "Slight" or "Moderate" may not be valid. Onelte imeatigaCion is needed. <br />QAILY COVER FOR LANDFILL is Che -soil material thaC ie used to cover compacCed solid waeCe in an azea type sanitary <br />landfill. The Boil material is obCained affsite, Craneported to the landfill, and spread over the waste. <br />Soil texture, weCnese, coarse fragments, and elope affecC the ease of removing and spreading the material during wet <br />and dry periods. Loamy or silCy voila that are free of large atones or excess gravel are the heaC cover for a <br />landfill. Clayey soils may he sticky or cloddy and are difficult to spread; sandy soils are subject to soil <br />blowing. After soil material hoe been removed, Che soil material remaining in the borrow area must be Chick enough <br />over bedrock, a cemented pan, or the water Cable Co permit revegeCation. The soil material used as final cover for a <br />landfill should be suitable Poz plants. The surface layez generally has Che beat workability, more organic matter than <br />the zest of the profile, and the beet potential for plants. Material from the outface layer should be etoakplled for use <br />as Che final covet. <br />