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18 <br />U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE PAGE 2 OF 3 <br />NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE 10/30/00 <br />9ANITARY FACILITIES <br />Endnote -- SANITARY FACILITIES <br />This report shows khe degree and kind of Boil limitation6 Chat affect septic tank absorption fields, sewage lagoons, <br />and saniCary landfills. The 1lmitakiona are considered "811ght" if soil properties and Bike features generally are <br />Favorable for the indicated use and limitations are minor and easily overcome; "Moderate" if soil properties or site <br />feakurea are not favorable fox Che indicated use and special planning, design, ar maintenance is needed to overcome or <br />minimize Che limitations; and "Severe" if Boil properties or site features are so unfavorable or so difficult to overcome <br />thaC special design, signifieanC increases in conakrucCion coats, and possibly increased maintenance are required. <br />This report slap shows Che suitability of the soils for use as daily cover Por landfills. A rating o! "good" indicates <br />thaC soil properties and site features are favorable for Che use and good performance and low maintenance can be <br />expected; "Fair" indicates that soil properties and site feakuxes are moderately favorable for Che use and one or <br />more soil properties or site feaCUres make Che soil lees desirable Chan the soils rated "Good'; and "Poor" indicates <br />ChaC one er more soil properties or site features are unfavorable for Che use and overcoming Che unfavorable <br />properties requi'rea special design, extra maintenance, or costly alCeration. <br />SEPTIC TANK ABSORPTION FIELDS are areas in which effluent from a'eeptic Lank is distributed into Che soil through <br />subsurface tiles or perforated pipe. Only Chat part of Che soil between depths of Sa Co 72 inehee is evaluated. The <br />ratings are base on soil properties, site feaCurea, and observed performance o! the eoile. Permeability, a high <br />wafer Cable, depth to bedrock or to a cemented pan, sad flooding affect absorption o! the effluenC. Large atones <br />and bedrock or a cemented pan interfere with installation. Uneatiafactory performance of eeptio Cask abaorpCioa Fields, <br />including excessively slow absorption of effluent, surfacing of elfluenC, and hillside seepage, can affect public healCh. <br />GroundwaCer can 'be polluted if highly permeable sand and gravel or fractured bedrock is lase than 4 feeC below the <br />base a! Che absorption field, if elope is excessive, or if the water Cable is near the surface. There moat be <br />unsaCurated soil material beneaCh the abeorpkioa.field to filCer Che eflluenC effectively. Macy local ordinances <br />require Chat this material be of a certain thickness. <br />SENAGE LAGOONS are shallow ponds constructed Co hold sewage while aerobic bacteria decompose Che solid sad liquid <br />wastes. Lagoons should have a nearly level floor 9+•~+^~•^~ed by CLiC slopes or embankmenCa of compacted soil. Lagoons ' <br />generally are designed Co hold Che sewage within a depth of Z to 5 feet. Nearly impervious soil material far the lagoon <br />floor and aides is required to minimize seepage and costaminatioa of ground water. This report gives xaCings for <br />Che natural soil Chat makes up the lagoon floor. The surface layer and, generally, i or ~ feeC of soil material <br />below the surface layer are excavated Co provide material for Che emban]aoenCe. The ratings are based on soil <br />properties, siCe features, and observed performance of'the voila. Considered in Che raCinge are slope, pexmeabiliCy, a <br />high waken table, depth Co bedrock or tp a cemented pan, flooding, large atones, and coriCeriC of organic matter. <br />Excessive seepage due to rapid permeability of Che soil or a water Cable that is high enough to raise the level of sewage <br />in the lagoon causes a lagoon Co function ussaCisfacCOrily. Pollukion results if seepage is excessive or if floodwater <br />overkope Che lagoon. A high contest of organic matter is detrimental to proper functioning of Cha lagoon because it <br />inhibiCa aembic activity. Slope, bedrock, and cemented pans can cause construction problems, and large skones can <br />hinder compaction of the lagoon floor. <br />SANITARY LANDFILLS are areas where so11d waste is disposed of by burying iC in soil. There are two [ypee of landfill, <br />trench and area. In a trench landfill, Che waste is placed is a trench. IC is spread, compacted, and covered daily <br />wiCh a Chin layer of soil excavated at the site. In an area landfill, Che wasCe is placed in successive layers on Che <br />surface of Che Boil. The wasCe ie spread, compacted, and covered daily with a thin layer of soil farm a source away <br />from the site. ,Hoch types of landfill must be able to bear heavy vehicular traffic. Both types involve a risk of <br />groundwater polluCion. Ease of excavation and revegetation need to be considered. The ratings in this report are based <br />