Agenda - 03-20-2001-8e
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 03-20-2001
Agenda - 03-20-2001-8e
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8/29/2008 10:29:51 AM
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Minutes - 03-20-2001
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Attachment <br />Draft Orange County Personnel Ordinance Revision <br />Article IV, Section 4.0 Holidays and Holiday Pay, Item 4.4 Pay for Holiday Worked <br />(Changes Shown in Bold Print) <br />4.4 Compensation ~a~r-for Holiday Worked <br />4.4.1 The department head approves in advance that the employee's services are <br />required on any scheduled holiday. <br />4.4.2 Each eligible non-exempt employee under the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act <br />(ELBA) who is required to work on a holiday receives Holiday Pay as well as <br />compensation pay for the hours worked on the holiday. Compensation for <br />hours worked on a holiday normally is as pay. <br />Example: Bob Smith, Telecommunicator, is regularly scheduled to work 12 hours <br />each workday. Mr. Smith is required to work 12 hours on Independence Day. He <br />receives: <br />-12 hours pay for the 12 hours worked on the holiday and <br />-Holiday Pay (equivalent to 12 hours straight time pay) for the holiday. <br />The Department Head may allow the employee to elect time off in lieu of pay <br />if department operating requirements permit. Any such time ofF must be <br />taken by the end of the calendar year or it is paid. <br />4.4.3 If the hours worked on the holiday are less than the employee's regularly <br />scheduled hours, the employee is compensated i for the regularly scheduled <br />hours. <br />Example: Bob Smith, Solid Waste Collector, is regularly scheduled to work 8 <br />hours each workday, Mr. Smith is required to work 6 hours on Independence Day; <br />that is, two hours less than his regular work schedule. He receives: <br />-8 hours pay for the 6 hours worked on the holiday and <br />-Holiday Pay (equivalent to 8 hours straight time pay) for the holiday. <br />4.4.4 In urgent operating circumstances, the Manager may authorize pay for holiday <br />work as provided in Item 4.4 for an eligible FLSA exempt employee. <br />4.4.5 Holiday Pay is a separate consideration from and has no bearing on overtime pay. <br />An eligible employee who works on a holiday receives Holiday Pay and <br />compensation pay for the hours worked as noted in Items 4.4.2, and 4.4.3. In <br />addition, he or she receives overtime pay for which eligible, if any. <br />
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