Agenda 10-01-19 Item 8-a - Minutes
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Agenda - 10-01-19 Regular Meeting
Agenda 10-01-19 Item 8-a - Minutes
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Last modified
9/26/2019 1:13:24 PM
Creation date
9/26/2019 12:04:47 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Agenda 10-01-19 Regular Board Meeting
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2 <br /> 1 problem, that is simply a byproduct of country living; and if it is a safety issue, he asked if there <br /> 2 are other ordinances on the books that can be enforced. He said residents are seeing more <br /> 3 density in the rural areas, and maybe new developments can add more buffers. <br /> 4 Kevin Poole expressed his opposition to any ordinance that imposes on gun rights <br /> 5 He said some residents may not be able to afford to join a shooting range. He suggested that, if <br /> 6 ordinances are put in place, Orange County create a public shooting range. <br /> 7 Riley Ruske said he has a citizen's petition, which is presented under the protection <br /> 8 guaranteed by the first amendment to the US Constitution for the right of the people to <br /> 9 peaceably assemble and to petition the government for the redress of grievances. He <br /> 10 petitioned the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) to start every meeting with the US <br /> 11 pledge of allegiance, asking all in attendance to stand, face the flag, place their right hand over <br /> 12 their heart, and have all men remove their hats. He highlighted the positive impacts of <br /> 13 instituting this practice. <br /> 14 Chair Rich said the petition will be taken through the Agenda Review process, and staff <br /> 15 will be in touch. <br /> 16 Luis Guarda said he is here to represent the Constitution of the U.S., and to do his duty <br /> 17 as a citizen. He said he is a naturalized citizen, and defended the Constitution in the armed <br /> 18 services against enemies foreign. He said tonight he is defending the Constitution against <br /> 19 enemies domestic, in the form of this ordinance. He said the second amendment must be <br /> 20 protected, and this ordinance is an attack on the Bill of Rights. <br /> 21 Diane Gentile said she is here about the noise ordinance, and she said she travels alone <br /> 22 and what concerns her is the lack of ability to be able to protect herself. She said this ordinance <br /> 23 would attack existing traditions, as well as forcing her to go out of County to maintain her firearm <br /> 24 skills. <br /> 25 Wendy Fontela said she would like to speak about the meetings regarding firearms <br /> 26 ordinances, and said she also is presenting a citizen's petition, which is presented under the <br /> 27 protection guaranteed by the first amendment to the US Constitution for the right of the people <br /> 28 to peaceably assemble and to petition the government for the redress of grievances. She <br /> 29 petitioned the BOCC to conduct all meetings regarding firearms ordinances in open session, <br /> 30 allowing public comment. She said closed meetings, or meetings that do not allow public <br /> 31 participation, are not justifiable. She said the BOCC is committed to transparency, and it must <br /> 32 uphold that commitment. <br /> 33 Chair Rich said the petition will be taken through the Agenda Review process, and staff <br /> 34 will be in touch. <br /> 35 Neal Galloway said he has a berm on his property, and he does gun shooting. He said <br /> 36 the two main considerations are safety and courtesy. He said safety is addressed by the berm, <br /> 37 and courtesy comes down to how long one is shooting, and what one is shooting. He said he <br /> 38 has been shooting for 50 years, and never shoots longer than 90 minutes. He said no law tells <br /> 39 him to do this, but courtesy does. He said he does not shoot on Sunday. He said he hopes <br /> 40 shooters will respect the value of courtesy, as shooting is a worthwhile pastime. <br /> 41 John Preyer said he lives in White Cross, and has 50 acres. He said he enjoys <br /> 42 recreational shooting on his property, and opposes any restriction on the discharge of firearms. <br /> 43 He said if the BOCC feels passionately on this issue, he hopes it will boldly publicize it in order <br /> 44 to make its intent public and clear. <br /> 45 Lauren Resnick said she and her husband shoot on their property; and she needs to be <br /> 46 able to defend herself. She said the BOCC is chipping away their second amendment rights, <br /> 47 and she is opposed to any restrictions. She said this ordinance cannot be properly enforced, <br /> 48 and would be unrealistic. <br /> 49 Chad Resnick said he is against any restrictions on the discharge of firearms on his <br /> 50 property. He said he is not against common sense noise ordinances. <br />
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