Orange County NC Website
7 <br /> BOCC 2020 Meeting Calendar Considerations <br /> A draft 2020 BOCC meeting calendar (Option #1) was presented at the BOCC work <br /> session on September 10, 2019. <br /> Based on Board member comments during the work session, a modified calendar <br /> (Option #2) has been discussed with the Budget Office (Paul Laughton), <br /> Manager's Office (Greg Wilder) and the Clerk's Office (Donna Baker, David Hunt). <br /> The following modifications are detailed in Option #2 - <br /> • The proposed Regular Work Session on April 23 is moved to March 31. <br /> • Proposed Budget Work Sessions in May and June are shifted forward to <br /> reduce the May meetings and extend the budget work sessions and the <br /> subsequent last regular Board meeting to later in June. <br /> Considerations <br /> • April, May and June are the busiest BOCC meeting months of the year <br /> because of the budget process. <br /> • February and March have fewer meetings than in past years, especially <br /> with joint meetings with the towns being pursued in a different format. <br /> • Part of the scheduling challenge is to have two meetings during some <br /> weeks and thereby allow some weeks with no meetings. <br /> • The modified calendar (Option #2) has at least one meeting per week for 16 <br /> weeks in a row. The original calendar (Option #1) has at least one meeting a <br /> week for 11 weeks in a row. <br /> • The BOCC, per its Rules of Procedure, conducts regular meetings typically <br /> on the first and third Tuesdays of the month. Option #1 follows this <br /> parameter in June 2020. Option #2 depicts the regular meetings in June <br /> 2020 occurring on the first and fourth Tuesdays. <br /> • The last day of school before the summer break is scheduled to be June 11 <br /> for Orange County Schools and June 12 for Chapel Hill Carrboro City <br /> Schools. <br /> • Option #1 proposes the last regular Board meeting for June occur on June <br /> 16, 2020. Option #2 proposes the last regular meeting for June 23, 2020. <br />