Orange County NC Website
21 <br /> Certifications and Assurances Fiscal Year 2019 <br /> (b) Fares; <br /> (c) Geographic area of service; <br /> (d) Hours and days of service; <br /> (e) Restrictions or priorities based on trip purpose; <br /> (f) Availability of information and reservation capability; and <br /> (g) Any constraints on capacity or service availability. <br /> CATEGORY 17. INTEREST AND FINANCING COSTS. <br /> If the applicant will pay for interest or other financing costs of a project using assistance <br /> awarded under the Urbanized Area Formula Grants Program (49 U.S.C. §5307), the Fixed <br /> Guideway Capital Investment Grants Program (49 U.S.C. §5309), or any program that must <br /> comply with the requirements of 49 U.S.C. §5307, including the Formula Grants for the <br /> Enhanced Mobility of Seniors Program (49 U.S.C. §5310), `flex funds"from infrastructure <br /> programs administered by the Federal Highways Administration (see 49 U.S.C. §5334(i)), or <br /> awards to urbanized areas under the Grants for Buses and Bus Facilities Program (49 U.S C. <br /> §5339), the applicant must make the following certification. This certification is required by <br /> 49 U.S.C. §§5307(e)(3) and 53 09(k)(2)(D). <br /> The applicant certifies that: <br /> (a) Its application includes the cost of interest earned and payable on bonds issued by the <br /> applicant only to the extent proceeds of the bonds were or will be expended in carrying <br /> out the project identified in its application; and <br /> (b) The applicant has shown or will show reasonable diligence in seeking the most favorable <br /> financing terms available to the project at the time of borrowing. <br /> CATEGORY 18. CONSTRUCTION HIRING PREFERENCES. <br /> If the applicant will ask FTA to approve the use of geographic, economic, or any other hiring <br /> preference not otherwise authorized by law on any contract or construction project to be assisted <br /> with an award from FTA, it must make the following certification. This certification is required <br /> by the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2019, Pub. L. 116-6, div. G, title I, §191. <br /> The applicant certifies the following: <br /> (a) That except with respect to apprentices or trainees, a pool of readily available but <br /> unemployed individuals possessing the knowledge, skill, and ability to perform the work <br /> that the contract requires resides in the jurisdiction; <br /> (b) That the applicant will include appropriate provisions in its bid document ensuring that <br /> the contractor does not displace any of its existing employees in order to satisfy such <br /> hiring preference; and <br /> 15 <br />