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10 <br /> Certifications and Assurances Fiscal Year 2019 <br /> (s) Will comply with the requirements of Section 106(g) of the Trafficking Victims <br /> Protection Act(TVPA)of 2000, as amended(22 U.S.C. § 7104)which prohibits grant <br /> award recipients or a sub-recipient from: <br /> (1) Engaging in severe forms of trafficking in persons during the period of time that <br /> the award is in effect; <br /> (2) Procuring a commercial sex act during the period of time that the award is in <br /> effect; or <br /> (3) Using forced labor in the performance of the award or subawards under the <br /> award. <br /> 1.2. Standard Assurances: Additional Assurances for Construction Projects. <br /> This certification appears on the Office of Management and Budget's standard form 424D <br /> "Assurances—Construction Programs"and applies specifically to federally assisted projects for <br /> construction. This certification has been modified in places to include analogous certifications <br /> required by U.S. DOT statutes or regulations. <br /> As the duly authorized representative of the applicant,you certify that the applicant: <br /> (a) Will not dispose of,modify the use of, or change the terms of the real property title or <br /> other interest in the site and facilities without permission and instructions from the <br /> awarding agency;will record the Federal awarding agency directives; and will include a <br /> covenant in the title of real property acquired in whole or in part with Federal assistance <br /> funds to assure nondiscrimination during the useful life of the project. <br /> (b) Will comply with the requirements of the assistance awarding agency with regard to the <br /> drafting,review, and approval of construction plans and specifications. <br /> (c) Will provide and maintain competent and adequate engineering supervision at the <br /> construction site to ensure that the complete work confirms with the approved plans and <br /> specifications, and will furnish progressive reports and such other information as may be <br /> required by the assistance awarding agency or State. <br /> 1.3. Procurement. <br /> The Uniform Administrative Requirements, 2 C.F.R. 200.324, allow a recipient to self-certi,fv <br /> that its procurement system complies with Federal requirements, in lieu of submitting to certain <br /> pre procurement reviews. <br /> The applicant certifies that its procurement system complies with: <br /> (a) U.S. DOT regulations, "Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and <br /> Audit Requirements for Federal Awards,"2 C.F.R. Part 1201,which incorporates by <br /> reference U.S. OMB regulatory guidance, "Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost <br /> 4 <br />