Agenda - 03-20-2001-8c
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 03-20-2001
Agenda - 03-20-2001-8c
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Last modified
8/29/2008 6:09:29 PM
Creation date
8/29/2008 10:29:49 AM
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Agenda Item
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2001 S Purchasing Contract with Legacy Research Associates, Inc. (Archaeological Survey of Little River Park)
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2000's\2001
Minutes - 03-20-2001
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2001
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s <br />likely depend on the results of initial surface investigation, and may require intensive subsurface <br />STPs only in specific concentrated areas. The number of 5TPs shall be of the Contractor's <br />choosing, but should be sufficient to determine the cultural and archaeological significance of the <br />site(s), to document the site(s) with state survey forms, and to evaluate the site(s) for NRHP <br />eligibility. <br />D. Field Reconnaissance for Remainder of Pro ert <br />A limited field investigation may be conducted for the rest of the park property where no <br />construction is planned. The field reconnaissance shall provide documentation (state site and <br />cemetery forms), as appropriate, of all above ground structures, including burial grounds or <br />cemeteries. The field methods and techniques used shall be of the Contractor's choosing, but <br />should reflect a thorough working knowledge of contemporary archaeological methods and <br />techniques. <br />The field investigation shall be of a nature sufficient to accomplish the following goals: <br />locate and identify sites on the property that may have archaeological or historic <br />significance, <br />2. evaluate the archaeological significance of any such sites located, and <br />3. make recommendations on the potential need far further survey of the site. <br />E. Reporting of Results <br />The Contractor shall give periodic verbal reports to the Orange County ERCD during the course <br />of the project and shall provide specific information regarding the mill site prior to completing <br />the field investigations for that area. <br />If the survey will not be complete and a final report issued by Apri130, 2001; a Preliminary Field <br />Report of the findings to date, status of the survey (research and field work), and the anticipated <br />date of completion of the final report shall be submitted to the Orange County ERCD by April <br />30, 2001. The contractor shall also, at this time, be prepared to conduct a brief (15-20 minute) <br />presentation to the Little River Park Advisory Committee. <br />The final report should provide overviews of those portions of prehistory and history that are <br />relevant to the Little River Township of Orange County and the adjoining Mangum Township of <br />Durham County, set within the broader context of the Southeast. The report should include <br />detailed maps of any former locations of roads, historic structures, and any significant landscape <br />alterations associated with those historic structures. Thy final report shall generally satisfy <br />requirements outlined in the "Guidelines for Preparation of Archaeological Survey Reports," <br />prepared by the North Carolina Office of State Archaeology. <br />Two copies of a draft of the final report shall be submitted to the Orange County ERCD for <br />review and comment. The Contractor shall make any required changes to the draft report <br />following review by the Orange County ERCD and the Durham City/County Planning <br />4 <br />
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