Orange County NC Website
7 <br />II. Notice to Proceed <br />The contractor will not begin any work on the project until he/she receives a Notice to Proceed <br />from Orange County. <br />III. Description of Work <br />The requested service is a cultural and archaeological survey of the Little River parkland to <br />locate and evaluate the probable significance and extent of any archaeological or historically <br />significant remains on the property. Amore comprehensive survey of the proposed construction <br />sites should be conducted in order to avoid any damage of cultural resources by the proposed <br />park development. The survey should be comprised of five principal components: (a) <br />background research, (b) an intensive surface and subsurface investigation of the area proposed <br />for facilities construction, (c) a surface and possible subsurface investigation of the identified <br />mill site, (d) a limited field reconnaissance of the entire property, and (e) a reporting of results. <br />These components are described as follows: <br />A. ,~ Background Research <br />Prior to the initiation of the field investigations the Contractor shall undertake background <br />research sufficient to acquire a working familiarity with the natural and cultural resources in the <br />study area and to locate any previously recorded historical or archaeologically significant sites an <br />the property, including former roads, historic structures, and any significant landscape alterations <br />associated with those historic structures. The North Carolina Division of Archives and History <br />should be contacted to determine whether there are any such recorded sites, and to reference <br />existing architectural and archaeological survey files. Other resources should include, but not be <br />limited to, An Inventory of Cultural, Historical, Recreational Biological, and Geological <br />Significance in the Unincorporated Portions of Orange County, the Historic Preservation <br />Element of the Orange County Comprehensive Plan, the Durham County Historic Preservation <br />Inventory, and the Durham County Inventory of Important Natural Areas, Plants and Wildlife. <br />B. Intensive Surface and Subsurface Investigation of Proposed Construction Areas <br />The study shall include an intensive surface and subsurface investigation including a systematic <br />shovel testing program based on a 30-meter, or similar, grid pattern across the areas of the <br />property that have been identified for the construction of park facilities. (A map of those <br />locations is provided as Attachment 3.) Additional shovel test pits (STPs) shall be required as <br />needed to determine whether artifacts represent isolated finds or potential archaeological sites. A <br />sufficient number of STPs should be excavated to determine and to delimit the boundaries of all <br />sites based on state guidelines. Sites should be documented based on state requirements <br />including survey farms, black and white photographs and color slides. Sites shall also be <br />evaluated in terms of their eligibility for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). <br />C. _ _ Surface and Subsurface Investigation of Mill Site <br />The study shall also include a surface and subsurface investigation of the area where it appears <br />that an old mill once existed on the property and along the North Fork of the Little River. (A <br />map of that location is provided as Attachment 3.) The amount of subsurface excavation will <br />3 <br />