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The proposed survey will include an intensive survey of the areas proposed for construction of <br />park facilities, less intensive survey of the mill site and a limited field investigation of the rest of <br />the park property. The results of the survey will be used to help guide the siting of facilities and <br />to provide valuable information about the site that will be useful for interpretive signs and <br />educational programs. The findings will be presented in a written report and a verbal report to <br />the Little River Park Advisory Committee. <br />Orange County received five proposals in response to a February 8 request for proposals <br />(RFP). After a thorough evaluation of the proposals and conferring with the Durham County <br />staff, ERCD recommends awarding the contract to Legacy Research Associates, Inc.. This <br />firm's familiarity with the site, proposed methods and timeframe meet the, project requirements <br />as stated in the request for proposals, and the cost of services is most in line with the budget <br />authorized by the state grant. A list of the proposals is attached. An evaluation of the <br />proposals is available from ERCD. Durham County staff concurs with this recommendation. <br />The current timeframe for park development calls for completion of the conceptual design by <br />October 2001, the engineering site plan by December 2001, facilities construction July 2002 <br />and the park'opening for public use by August or September 2002. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: The cost of contract is $7,558 and is to be paid out of a grant awarded <br />to Orange County by the Land and Water Conservation Fund for the design and development <br />of the little River Regional Park. There will be no expenditures of County funds. <br />2 <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the BOCC approve the contract and <br />authorize the chair to sign, subject to final review by staff and county attorney, for completion of <br />a cultural and archaeological survey of the Little River Regional Park property. <br />