Orange County NC Website
03/12/2001 11:41 9196621152 LEGFICY <br />14 <br />4.s if any tirtae period within ~ dads by whkh any of CAl~tll.TMri"s setvkes are to be performed is <br />exceeded for reasons outside of COCi5U1.TAi'R"9 reasonabie control, an rates, measwes and <br />amounts of corrrpensagora and' the lime for oompietlon of perfannance shall tae subject tv <br />equitable went. <br />AR1ICJ,L !!. COt'Q'm©'ltilU.nY <br />5. t The C.DPISULTAPff and the CLF.TR' (including the ernplvyees, officers, agents, and dlr+ectQrs of <br />the respective parties) shall treat as confldentlal and proprietary, aaad wfil oat disclose to otlaerm <br />durl[tg a subsequent GD the tEma of this erg,. except a9 b n~agr m petfarm the work <br />under this Agreement, any information whether vetgdl or wHt#en, of any descriptimr whatsoever, <br />(lnciudlrtg arty technlcat InfarmAtiort, experleatce• ar dal regarding eMher party's plena. <br />progrartts, plants, proc~esaea, products, casts, equipment. or operations whtet- m2~y come within <br />floe knowbadge of the partlea In the p+erfc~mance of ibis _,~~r,t- rvttltot~t- fK each itastance <br />securing flat pHar written canserrt of the other party. Mothlrag captained withba thus Article shall <br />prevent either party (Yom dlsdasing to others, ar using hn any ma~rutet, h>Fonttatton which has <br />been published and has became part of the publk domain other than by acts, drrrfssiorra. or <br />fault of either party; has been fiufrr~iaed or made known tQ either patty by third parties dlreclJy <br />of ind{rccifJy: or was developed ~ependentq~ by eittrer party. <br />S.2 In the event that either party shall be required by subpoena, court. ~ achtdeal~ratlve order to <br />dLsr~ose airy of the infamatlan deemed by this Agrtement to tx confldendat and/or prrrprletary• <br />that party shalt give immediate written the other party. Upon receipt of the notice. the <br />petty whose lnforrttatbn trey be dbcloscd shall have the right to interpose all otajccttons bo the <br />diactasure as long ~; those Interpasntons do nd pr4,judiae the position or rigirfs of the <br />col~n,TArrr. <br />Ntt~. a w~cttY <br />8. ] 11a perforrrtlr~ services. COt~18111.TA1'lT agrees to exetct9c pt+ofessiotrad Judgment trade on the <br />laas~ of the InfarrtaarJan avanable to CO['i9LfLRTACR. and fo use the carne degree of care and stdli <br />ordlnartly exerdsed In sgttgair ~nuut>~attoes by reputable ~ pertomtMg comparal>Ae <br />eetvlces. This standard aL cote shaft be judged as of the tUme and plant the sexvim art <br />rendered. and nd accordhrg to Iater starrdar~. itrass~onatxe people may disagree on rrratt~ers <br />involving professional Judgrrre~rt acrd, accordingly. a dlff'enence of ophtior- an a question of <br />professional judgrraent sttadl rrat excuse CLIEIYI' fnxn paying for services rendered or result in <br />to CA['LSULTAI![I'. <br />6.~ if any (allure to meet the foregoing Warranty appears within six (ti) months from the date of <br />compktfivn of the Services and COl'651J4TAiY[' is prampt~jr uatlfled ttua~eof In wriWtg. <br />COIYSULTAfff will. ~ R9 optlm and expense re•perform the nonconfarmirrg work or refund the <br />amount of compe:rsatian p~ to CQ@i~ULTAPfC far such noncanFonning services. In no event <br />ataall CAl"~-Ii.TAI"fl' be r+equdt~l to ter the c~ of gaWng accrss in order to perform its <br />Waet!attty ~ <br />6.3 The Earegolttg wa~nty Is aateltrshre attd its Ilea of all other watrautdes, Whether written. oral. <br />Implied or statu(oory, tnclud6'p any warrartgr of merrhantabiilly. Consuitamt does nd warrant any <br />prnduets or services of others designated by client. <br />ARiTCiLr 7. R~C111A1'lCL <br />7.1 CAHSULTAlY1' rvitl proctors and ~ Itrsurance as described below. At a mWmum, <br />COi'iSULTA('!T will have the follawtng coverage: <br />PhpE 3 of 6 <br />