Agenda - 06-07-2005-5r
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-07-2005
Agenda - 06-07-2005-5r
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8/29/2008 4:14:28 PM
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8/29/2008 10:29:49 AM
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2005 S DSS - Center for Employment Training for Vocational Training
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2000's\2005
Minutes - 20050607
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2005
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9.. Obtain the approval from the Department, through the submission of a course curriculum and <br />]abor market survey information, prior to implementing any training course other than, Automated <br />General and Medical Office Skills, Flechonics Technology, Medical Insurance Billing, and <br />Shipping and Receiving/Warehouse. <br />10, Agree to participate in program, fiscal and administrative monitoring or audits, making records and staff <br />time available to Federal, State and county staff; and <br />11. Comply with Tiles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation <br />Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and all requirements imposed by Federal <br />regulations, rules and guidelines issued pursuant to these Titles of both personnel employed and clients <br />served; and <br />12. Maintain client records which date and document, in accordance with established policy, the service <br />delivered to the individual, a valid authorization for service, program records documents and other <br />evidence which reflects program operations; and <br />13. Restrict the use or disclosure of information obtained in connection with the administration of <br />North Carolina's programs for' the provision of services concerning applicants for and recipients of those <br />services to purpose directly connected with the administration of the service program; and <br />14. Furnish information to the Department, as requested, to support the performance of activities pursuant to <br />this contract and the full cost of activities; and submit changes, as needed or required, in the contract or <br />any materials included in this contract or approved supporting information for review and approval by the <br />Department; and <br />15. Take the necessary steps for corrective action, as negotiated within a corrective action plan, for <br />Any items found to be out of compliance with Federal, State, and County laws, regulations, standards <br />and/or terms of this contract; and <br />16. Maintain and administer in accordance with sound business practice, program for the maintenance, <br />repair protection and preservation for property purchased under the terms of this contact and keep <br />a current, complete inventory of all equipment so purchased; and <br />17, Notify the Department representative within three work days of any trainees attendance or <br />performance problems, and of any trainee expressing a desire to withdraw from the training <br />program, and of hainees that enter employment. <br />18.. Place in employment 70% of the Work First trainees who complete the program, and place 70% of <br />those employed in a training related job utilizing their skills acquired in their course of study (i e., <br />skills areas in which enrolled) at CET, <br />SECTION III: Access to Records <br />All fiscal and program records are to be retained for three years after final payment or until all audits <br />continued beyond this period are completed. In the event the Provider dissolves or otherwise goes out of <br />existence; records produce under this contract will be turned over to the Department. These records shall be <br />subject at all reasonable times to inspection, review or audit by duly authorized County, State and Federal <br />officials. <br />SECTION IV: Liabilities and Legal Obligations <br />The Provider and the Department shall be liable for the act of omissions of their respective employees in the <br />performance or service covered under the ternrs of this contract to the extent permitted by applicable law. <br />Page 2 of 6 <br />
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