.~ Attachment 2. Orange County Proposed 2000.01 Budg®t Amendment
<br />The 2000-01 Orange County Budget Ordinance is amended as follows:
<br />3
<br /> #1 Receipt of funds #2 Technical #3 Fund Balance
<br /> from HUQ for amendment related to Appropriation (County
<br /> Budget As Amended additional BOCC 3106/01 and School Capital Budget As Amended
<br />
<br />Through BOA #7 responsibilities approval of CHCCS Projects Funds) for
<br />Through BOA #8
<br /> associated with the Elementary #9 work related to the
<br /> Southeast Regional Capital Project Capital Needs
<br /> Civil Rights Summit Ordinance Advisory Task Force
<br />General Fund
<br />Revenue
<br />Property Taxes 5 68,D43,123 $ - $ - $ - $ 68,043,123
<br />Sales Taxes $ 14,874,536 $ - $ - $ - 5 14,874,536
<br />License and Permits $ 979,842 $ - $ - S - 5 979,842
<br />Intergavemmental 5 12,672,707 $ 10,000 $ 12,682,707
<br />Charges for Service S 5,19D,003 $ - S - S - $ 5,190,003
<br />Investment Earnings 3 1,800,000 $ 1,800,000
<br />Miscellaneous S 420,618 $ 420,618
<br />Transfers from Other Funds $ 1,225,000 $ 10,000 $ 1,235,000
<br />Fund Balance $ 4,771,136 S 4,771,136
<br />Total General Fund Revenues $ 109,976,965 $ 10,000 $ - S 10,000 5 109,996,965
<br />Expenditures
<br />109,976,965
<br />109,996,955
<br />Community Maintenance S 1,183,601 5 - S - S - 5 1,183,601
<br />General Administration S 3,825,238 $ - $ - S - $ 3,825.238
<br />Tax and Records S 2,536,519 5 - $ - S - $ 2,536,519
<br />Community Planning . $ 2,310,490 $ - S - $ - 5 2,310,490
<br />Human Servic®s $ 24,645,259 $ 10,000 S 24,855,259
<br />Public Safety $ 10,044,752 $ - S - S - S 10,044,752
<br />Public Works $ 3,846,846 $ 3,846,846
<br />Education S 40,493,653 $ 40,493,653
<br />Non .Departmental:
<br />Outside Agencies $ 1,743,699 $ 1,743,699
<br />Miscellaneous $ 1,531,653 $ 10,000 $ 1,547,653
<br />Debt 5ervlce S 13,224,836 S 13,224,836
<br />Transfers Out $ 4,590,479 $ 4,590,419
<br />Total General Fund Appropriation $ 1D9,976,965 $ 10,000 $ - $ 70,000 $ 1D9,995,965
<br />3 $ 5 S $
<br />County 4apital Project Fund
<br />Revenues
<br />Appropriated Fund Balance $ $ 5,000 $ 5,000
<br />Expenditures
<br />Transfers to Other Funds $ - S 5,000 S 5,000
<br />
<br />School Capita/ Projects Fund
<br />Revenues
<br />Appropriated Fund Balance S - $ 5,000 $ 5,000
<br />Expenditures
<br />Transfers to Other Funds $ - $ - S 5,000 S 5,000
<br />