Orange County NC Website
7 <br />Orange County Public Safety <br />flonnest~c Preparedness <br />Grant Request <br />Background Criteria <br />Orange-Coenty ~s a fast growing community with ~a large population, high <br />industry volume, .and .numerous transportation systems. The county _ <br />transportation network is vast and includes interstate highways and railroad. <br />The county .is~.dissected ~by major interstate traffic systems (including 1-85 and I- <br />40~ and other principal highways, including 11S 70, US 15, US 501, NC 57, NC <br />49, fliC.~4 and NC .157. These roads systems serve a heavy volume of private <br />passenger cars, commercial and .interstatetraffic, and several have military <br />.highway designs#ion. Orange County has 795 road.miies-with 28 of these miles <br />.interstate. ~#dditionaUy, Orange Couraty:has a major rail system that runs <br />#hrough our county. east to west thrflugh Hillsborough, with one spur line south <br />through. of ~Cacrboro. The ~iorace-Williams Airport is located in Orange <br />aunty, -which serves as a fixed-base operation and a plane repair facility. The <br />Couraty~is inthe main`~ight path for~hie Piedmont Triad International Airport. <br />Orange County has several lakes, fivers and wetlands that drain into both the <br />Meuse liver and Oape t=ear basins that must: be protected from potential <br />contamination <br />Orange County is centrally loco#ed~in the Piedmont section of North <br />Carolina and is bounded on.the Durham County, on the Svu#h by <br />Chatham .County, on the North by Person and Caswell Counties, and on the <br />Wes# try:Alamance County. The current popula#ion. is 11;000 with a land area <br />#otalang 398 square miles. <br />Orange County has a large number of hotels and motels, which serve for <br />classes, con#erences and numerous vthersvents tha# are held within our county <br />and neighboring .communities. ln.addition, Orange County has bath state and <br />federal government facilities. Our county is closely afFiliated with the Research <br />Triangle ~Parlc,, which has experienced terrorist incidents. The University Of North <br />Carolina a# chapel ~Il and IiNC Hospital offer world-class teaching, tertiary <br />medical care and medical research. The densely populated area on and around <br />the UNC -canapes has a multitude of ~ovErnment and private research <br />laboratories and facilities. The University has a diverse student population of <br />~1;AOII and receives :visitors and guest from around The University Of <br />Nor#tr Carolina Hospital has 913 beds. The University hosts large athletic and <br />entertainment events, training programs and~onferences...The locations, events, <br />and important facilities make Orange County a potential target for domestic and <br />.international terrorism. <br />