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9 <br /> DRAFT <br /> 323 is a place for comments. The other thing is that in 2013 the state passed a law that said no stand-alone bike and pedestrian <br /> 324 projects could be funded with state funding from DOT. That means that if Hillsborough or somebody else wanted to put in a <br /> 325 sidewalk or a separated multi-use path and they got the federal funding that community would have the come up with the 20 <br /> 326 percent match. <br /> 327 <br /> 328 Nish Trivedi: TARPO is one of the RPO's that has signed a resolution in support of such legislation directed towards <br /> 329 reducing or eliminating the local match requirement for bike/ped. <br /> 330 <br /> 331 Heidi Perry: I think it's up to 11 RPO's and MPOs have signed on to that. <br /> 332 <br /> 333 AGENDA ITEM 6C: SMALL TRANSPORTATION PROJECTS INPUT(ABIGAILE PITTMAN) <br /> 334 <br /> 335 Janice Tyler: Is there a place you can report to for fixing potholes? <br /> 336 <br /> 337 Abigaile Pittman: You can tell us, and we can tell the maintenance section of NCDOT. Does anybody have anything they'd <br /> 338 like to offer up as a possible project? <br /> 339 <br /> 340 Randy Marshall: I mentioned getting a rumble strips when Chuck Edwards was here. <br /> 341 <br /> 342 Erik Broo: For the 1-40 widening and the MILK interchange at 266, initially the plans did not include signal synchronization. <br /> 343 Can we add that? <br /> 344 <br /> 345 Nish Trivedi: That interchange portion of the project has been delayed. We will follow up with you and keep you informed as <br /> 346 the 1-40 widening project progresses. <br /> 347 <br /> 348 Erik Broo: The signal operations will be a big benefit for The Weaver Dairy/MLK intersection. The distance between Weaver <br /> 349 Dairy by the Food Lion and the Fire Station between that and the highway is a relatively short distance with a couple <br /> 350 intersections and there are a lot of LI turns at the Weaver Dairy/MLK light for people turning north heading back to the <br /> 351 highway. It's already getting jammed up as it is and so when they widen the highway for the population growth people are <br /> 352 worried about getting out of the neighborhood at the light there. <br /> 353 <br /> 354 Nish Trivedi: How far are you looking for synchronization? Signal synchronization is not just an individual intersection. It <br /> 355 involves the timing of multiple signals along a corridor. <br /> 356 <br /> 357 Erik Broo: Anywhere from Weaver Dairy Road north on MILK past 1-40 on right and side that goes down into the country <br /> 358 towards Durham 15-501. <br /> 359 <br /> 360 Nish Trivedi: Duke Forest area. <br /> 361 <br /> 362 Erik Broo: Yes, Whitfield, there to MLK should be synchronized just so people can make it through that very congested <br /> 363 segment. <br /> 364 <br /> 365 Nish Trivedi: Synchronization is part of SPOT safety. We'll call NCDOT and ask about synchronizing two of those lights as <br /> 366 part of the 1-40 widening.. <br /> 367 <br /> 368 Janice Tyler: So, as part of that 140 widening are they also paying close attention to pedestrian and bicycle accidents. <br /> 369 Cause there's a huge development that's going in basically within less than a quarter mile from all the shopping that they <br /> 370 need. <br /> 371 <br /> 372 Nish Trivedi: Carraway Village. Yes, there was a very big push for sidewalks, crosswalks, BRT and other improvements <br /> 373 associated with the project. <br /> 374 <br /> 375 Janice Tyler: Carraway Village and right across from that Chapel Hill North shopping area. <br /> 376 <br /> 7 <br />