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Approved 7/5/19 <br /> <br />Craig Benedict: As part of a teaching moment, we’re not going to labor tonight, but for something like what is an EC-5165 <br />and why it is a more unique designation than our other commercial zoning designations, we’ll put a little white paper166 <br />together. We’ll give you an explanation of existing commercial designations possibly in Rural Buffer, land uses and 167 <br />how that occurs, and how EC-5 occurred in other parts of the County. It is a nuance to our land use and zoning 168 <br />code. 169 <br />170 <br />David Blankfard: As a point of reference, it is true that if you abstain that’s a vote for? 171 <br />172 <br />Craig Benedict: Yes, that is true. 173 <br />174 <br />Patrick Mallett: Technically speaking, I think you probably should make a motion that you are acting on Attachments 175 <br />4 and 5, the statement of consistency and the actual ordinance. 176 <br />177 <br />David Blankfard: Moved.178 <br />179 <br />Randy Marshall: Seconded.180 <br />181 <br />MOTION by David Blankfard to agree with the Statement of Consistency (Attachment 4) and recommend to the182 <br />County Commissioners to consider adoption of the proposed zoning atlas amendment (Attachment 5) to rezone the 183 <br />entire 4.08-acre parcel to EC-5. Randy Marshall seconded.184 <br />VOTE:Unanimous. (Hathaway recused himself due to previous professional relationship)185 <br />186 <br />AGENDA ITEM 8: MAJOR SUBDIVISION PRELIMINARY PLAT –To review and take action on a preliminary plat application 187 <br />for a Major Subdivision called Fairway Hills. The proposal is for a 20-lot single-family Flexible Development 188 <br />subdivision on 41.97 acres (PINs 9884-32-3275 and 9884-31-9874) located in Eno Township on the north side of US 189 <br />Highway 70 across from the Occoneechee Golf Club. The Concept Plan request for this subdivision was approved 190 <br />by the Planning Board at its April 3, 2019 meeting.191 <br />192 <br />PRESENTER:Patrick Mallett, Planner II 193 <br />194 <br />Patrick Mallett: You have your staff report which we call an abstract which this case starts on page 31. This has four 195 <br />attachments: An application package; Vicinity map; Site assessment; Staff generated correspondents; and Excerpts 196 <br />from the Planning Board case last month in April. Under a separate cover, you also have the plan. Some you have 197 <br />large plans. Some have small plans. This case was heard last month as a concept plan approval request. This198 <br />request was originally submitted as a 27-lot subdivision under a different name called Occoneechee Hills. As it 199 <br />started moving through the process, the applicant changed the request to go from 27 lots down to 20 lots which 200 <br />removed the requirement for a Special Use Permit in addition to the major subdivision approval. It changes the 201 <br />cadence of how the case is processed. Last month the consideration was for the Concept Plan. We are at Part Two 202 <br />of the process. They basically had already done a significant amount of the Preliminary Plat work, so they were able 203 <br />to get the final touches in and then get on to the agenda for this month, so the Planning Board is hearing this case in 204 <br />back-to-back months.205 <br />206 <br />Patrick Mallett:Reviewed a PowerPoint presentation on Fairway Hill’s preliminary plat review. The flexibility design 207 <br />option requires you to share the existing additions namely the stream buffer’s steep slope, vegetated areas and 208 <br />existing structures. This is the preliminary plat subplan, very similar to what was reviewed with the concept plan that 209 <br />added more details in terms of Storm Water Control measures, or BMP, storm water devices. With the Concept 210 <br />Plan, it shows treatment for lot clearing, street trees along the two public streets, and then landscaping preserved 211 <br />areas and they’re additional plantings along the 75-foot buffer along US 70. It also shows theoretical plantings for 212 <br />both either a cleared lot or a preserved lot within the subdivision. The Plan summary including the two parcels is 213 <br />41.97 acres, and the total number of proposed lots is 20. The average lot size is 56,594 square feet, 1.3 acres. The 214 <br />area and open space is 15.54 acres. It’s 37 percent of the site. This is just a summary of the same attributes with 215 <br />breakouts on the primary and secondary open space. Around the perimeter of the project there’s a hundred-foot216 <br />building set back. Along US 70 they have 120-foot building set back and they also reserved a five-foot area along 217 <br />US 70 anticipating unrelated to this project a NCDOT right of way, road improvements that would theoretically require 218 <br />five feet of additional right of way. The planning director recommends that the Planning Board receive the 219