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<br />the property by rezoning it as commercial and putting in a mini-storage facility. I feel like it's going to increase the 111 <br />amount of crime that we have in our neighborhood. For his property, I pulled some 911 records and in the last 112 <br />several years there have been robberies by someone I know who has been in jail. I think that putting a storage 113 <br />facility directly behind my house is going to decline the property value of my house and will also affect curb appeal if I 114 <br />choose to sell my home in the future. My biggest concern is the increase and amount of crime we are going to have 115 <br />because everything is open. His business sits on the road front and there is no security. If you stick a mini-storage 116 <br />my backyard, how is it going to be affected? I have children there, we love where we live, and we don't want to 117 <br />move, and I may be forced to move if this happens.118 <br />119 <br />Bal K Sharma: My name is Bal. I live in Cary, but we do have some land next to the truck stop there on Buckhorn 120 <br />Road. We also have combined investments there. This exit has not doubled up enough compared to other exits 121 <br />which I would love to see. In terms of the General Commercial use, it gives more employment opportunities for the 122 <br />citizens. I do support changing into the commercial joining and support this cause. 123 <br />124 <br />David Blankfard: Does the board have any questions? 125 <br />126 <br />Adam Beeman: I have a question for the owner. To elaborate a little on the storage unit. I am looking at the only 127 <br />place that you are going to be able to get into on that property which is on that right or would you pass by the 128 <br />landscaping business if you were to develop in the future?129 <br />130 <br />Chad Huffine: The only thing I can commit to is to respond to some of her concerns and to comment to the property 131 <br />value and the crime deterrent and prevention. I can tell you that access would be from West Ten Rd. and that during 132 <br />the site plan process, the information is provided to DOT and Orange County and that driveway conditions are either 133 <br />approved or not approved. The property has frontage on West Ten Rd. and would be accessible by light.134 <br />135 <br />Adam Beeman: Are there plans to fill that pond in the back of that property?136 <br />137 <br />Chad Huffine: I have no idea. We are in the early stages of the rezoning portion of this.138 <br />139 <br />Adam Beeman: I'm just trying to get information for the neighbors around them to understand a little better. I'm 140 <br />trying to understand what the potential intent is on the back of the property.141 <br />142 <br />Chad Huffine: I took good notes on what I heard the neighbors say, and one thing I can indicate is that property 143 <br />values increase when they are changed in zoning to commercial use. Property values may or may not change if they 144 <br />are rezoned to different residential uses. As development increases around these proposed nodes of industrial and 145 <br />commercial use, commercial properties create value. Adjacent commercial properties create the synergy between 146 <br />those two commercial properties and the property values do seem to increase. Once the project moves forward to 147 <br />site planning, security fencing, cameras, and driveway access is looked at specifically by staff. At this point, we’re 148 <br />just trying to grip the rezoning to start the process.149 <br />150 <br />Patrick Mallett: What we went through in showing the future land-use elements is that this is a part of a bigger 151 <br />strategy. A lot of time went into this plan and in taking a look at properties and what they should be and what they 152 <br />should transition toward as time moves on. In this case, this area is specifically along that northern edge of West153 <br />Ten Rd. going towards Mebane which has always been envisioned for a commercial industrial transition, not 154 <br />residential development. That was not part of the long-term vision which is the basis for our recommendation. If this 155 <br />township were being zoned for the first time today, we would have followed the property line and zoned the entire 156 <br />property commercial. This is the first part of the process that would theoretically include permits: stormwater permits 157 <br />and environmental health permits and site plans. With this zoning, they are proposing that there would be 30-foot 158 <br />land-use buffers along the frontage of the West Ten Rd. and then 100-foot buffer all around the perimeter. Mr. Doby159 <br />has indicated to me that he has a desire to retain the land, find some positive revenue streams to deal with the cost 160 <br />of taxes, and that his vision is to seek for a storage facility in this field area. Mr. Doby also applied for an161 <br />improvement permit for an evaluation based on mini-storage with a schematic for that area which has been an 162 <br />indicator of the intent.163 <br />164 <br />165 <br />7