Orange County NC Website
25$1*(&2817<3/$11,1*'(3$570(17  <br />:0$5*$5(7/$1(68,7( <br />+,//6%2528*+1257+&$52/,1$ <br /> <br />$*(1'$ <br />25$1*(&2817<3/$11,1*%2$5' <br />NOTE MEETING LOCATION!! <br />:(67&$03862)),&(%8,/',1* <br />3/$11,1*'(3$570(17&21)(5(1&(5220 <br />:0$5*$5(7/$1(1')/225 <br />+,//6%2528*+1257+&$52/,1$ <br /> <br />:HGQHVGD\6HSWHPEHU <br />5HJXODU0HHWLQJ±SP <br />No.Page(s)Agenda Item <br /> <br />  &$//7225'(5 <br /> <br />  <br /> <br />,1)250$7,21$/,7(06 <br />DPlanning Calendar for September and October <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />$33529$/2)0,187(6 <br />August 7, 2019 Regular Meeting <br /> &216,'(5$7,212)$'',7,21672$*(1'$ <br /> <br />  38%/,&&+$5*( <br />,QWURGXFWLRQWRWKH3XEOLF&KDUJH <br /> <br />The Board of County Commissioners, under the authority of North Carolina General Statute, <br />appoints the Orange County Planning Board (OCPB) to uphold the written land development <br />laws of the County. The general purpose of OCPB is to guide and accomplish coordinated and <br />harmonious development. OCPB shall do so in a manner which considers the present and <br />future needs of its residents and businesses through efficient and responsive process that <br />contributes to and promotes the health, safety, and welfare of the overall County. The OCPB <br />will make every effort to uphold a vision of responsive governance and quality public services <br />during our deliberations, decisions, and recommendations. <br />3XEOLF&KDUJH <br />The Planning Board pledges its respect to all present. The Board asks those attending this <br />meeting to conduct themselves in a respectful, courteous manner toward each other, County <br />staff, and Board members. At any time should a member of the Board or the public fail to <br />observe this charge, the Chair will take steps to restore order and decorum. Should it <br />become impossible to restore order and continue the meeting, the Chair will recess the <br />meeting until such time that a genuine commitment to this public charge is observed. <br />1