Planning Board agenda 080719
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Planning Board
Planning Board agenda 080719
Entry Properties
Last modified
9/10/2019 3:27:35 PM
Creation date
9/10/2019 3:27:18 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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x Water and Sewer Management, Planning and Boundary Agreement (WASMPBA): <br />Property is located within the Orange County Primary Service Area meaning public <br />utilities (i.e. water and sewer) could be extended to the property. Utility service would be <br />provided by the City of Mebane, who may require voluntary annexation to allow services <br />to be extended to serve a proposed land use.The document can be accessed utilizing <br />the following link: <br />and-Sewer-Management-Planning-and-Boundary-Agreement-PDF. <br />x Transportation: Per the adopted Efland Buckhorn Mebane Access Management Plan, <br />West Ten Road (west of Buckhorn Road and east of Bowman Road) is recommended to <br />have 2 lanes of traffic with a 2 way left turn lane contained within a minimum 80 ft. right- <br />of-way. The Plan also calls for the development of either a 5 ft. wide paved shoulder or <br />curb/gutter with a bike lane and sidewalk. Development of the revised roadway is <br />intended to be achieved through the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). <br />The Plan can be accessed utilizing the following link: <br /> <br />Public Notifications: In accordance with Section 2.8.7 of the UDO, notices of the Planning <br />Board’s review of the rezoning request (i.e. date, time, location, and nature of the review) were <br />mailed to residents with 1,000 feet of the subject parcel on July 24, 2019. A sign indicating the <br />rezoning request and Planning Board meeting was also posted on the property on the same <br />day. <br />Courtesy Review: This request was submitted to the City of Mebane, which theoretically could <br />serve the property with utility and urban services and accept a voluntary annexation petition by <br />the owner, on July 15, 2019 as part of our courtesy review program. <br />Planning Director’s Recommendation: As required under Section 2.8.5 of the Unified <br />Development Ordinance (UDO) the Planning Director shall: ‘… cause an analysis to be made of <br />the application and, based upon that analysis, prepare a recommendation for consideration’. <br />The Director has determined the proposed atlas amendment addresses potential non- <br />conformities associated with the current split zoning of the property and that the requested GC- <br />4 zoning designation is consistent with the goals and policies of the adopted Comprehensive <br />Plan consistent with property’s location within the CITAN. As a result, the Director recommends <br />approval of the Statement of Consistency, indicating the amendments are reasonable and in <br />the public interest, contained in Attachment 4 and the proposed zoning atlas amendment <br />ordinance contained in Attachment 5. <br />It should be noted further development/redevelopment of the property will require <br />submittal/approval of a site plan demonstrating compliance with applicable development <br />standards (i.e. parking, setbacks, impervious surface, stormwater, landscaping/buffering, etc.) <br />as detailed within the UDO. Approval of this request does not exempt the applicant from <br />complying with these standards. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: Consideration and approval will not create the need for additional <br />funding for the provision of County services. Costs for the required legal advertisement and <br />mailings were paid by the applicant. Existing Planning staff included in the Departmental <br />staffing budget will accomplish the work required to process the amendment. <br /> 9
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