BOH agenda 062619
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Board of Health
BOH agenda 062619
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Last modified
9/10/2019 2:57:57 PM
Creation date
9/10/2019 2:57:32 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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MINUTES-Draft <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br />May 22, 2019 <br />S:\Managers Working Files\BOH\Agenda & Abstracts\2019 Agenda & Abstracts/ May Page 4 <br />defined by statute and includes members of law enforcement, school, mental health, EMS and <br />providers. <br /> <br />In 2018, the CFPT reviewed 5 child deaths. No systems issues were identified. Ms. McCall <br />revealed that the CFPT has had some challenges in attendance. The members were urged to <br />adhere to their commitment. The CFPT did lose one of their parent members (requirement is <br />that they must’ve lost a child under age 18). Ms. McCall notified the BOH that they are seeking <br />members for the CFPT. <br /> <br />D. Tobacco Update <br /> <br />April Richard gave a brief update on the tobacco program. Below are some of the highlights. <br /> <br />• Ms. Richard completed an intensive 4-day training offered by Duke and UNC on <br />intensive tobacco treatment. It focused on how nicotine works in the brain, how <br />pharmacology can improve rates of quitting and on providing treatment to the complex <br />population of people with addictions to tobacco complicated by pregnancy, mental health <br />and substance abuse disorders, chronic stress and trauma. <br />• Freshstart is a 4-week long tobacco cessation class that meets for 1 hour and focuses <br />on not just quitting tobacco but provides coping skills to prevent relapses. Since 2018, <br />there have been 5 classes that reached 40 participants. Freshstart has been revamped <br />as they’re at different host sites with the intent to be where the people are, not <br />necessarily make the people come to the OCHD. <br />• Freshstart classes were also held at UNC Horizons where there were about 45 pregnant <br />and parenting women over the last 1½ years that participated. The classes were offered <br />during their typical UNC Horizon program sessions. Support was provided to their <br />prescriber to avoid under dosing tobacco treatment. <br />• At Lutheran Services Carolina, there was 1 class with 6 participants. There is stigma <br />that people with mental health disorders can’t quit or that smoking helps them control <br />their behaviors. Group counseling was provided as well as direct access to free Nicotine <br />Replacement Therapy (NRT). <br />• Tobacco cessation and counseling was provided to 30 clients attending Project Connect <br />with 12 participants receiving 4 weeks of free NRT (e.g. gum, patches, lozenges). When <br />following up, it was discovered that one of those 12 had already quit using the NRT <br />given to them. <br />• NRT works best when combined (e.g. gum and patch). There were 392 boxes of NRT <br />dispensed. Cessation referrals were integrated into OCHD Dental and Medical Clinics <br />implementing the 5A’s - Ask (about tobacco use), Advise (tobacco users to quit), Assess <br />(readiness to make a quit attempt), Assist (with the quit attempt) and Arrange (follow up <br />care). <br />• There is consistent signage at agencies as our tobacco-free signage has been updated. <br />E-cigarettes are now on the signage. <br />• Ten presentations on emerging products were given to youth influencers and young <br />adults. There are nicotine pods and delivery devices such as Juul being used amongst <br />youth. Prevention and cessation movie ads were created, in the past, by Tobacco <br />Reality Unfiltered (TRU) clubs and were played at every showing in movie theaters in <br />Durham, Burlington, Greensboro and Chapel Hill. There has been inconsistent <br />implementation at the 5 schools that have TRU clubs. Ms. Richard noted that there is a <br />proposal in the works to create a youth health advisory council for Orange County.
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