BOH agenda 052219
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Board of Health
BOH agenda 052219
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Last modified
9/10/2019 2:57:23 PM
Creation date
9/10/2019 2:56:42 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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MINUTES-Draft <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br />April 24, 2019 <br />S:\Managers Working Files\BOH\Agenda & Abstracts\2019 Agenda & Abstracts/ April Page 4 <br />o There were 221 mom/baby pairs (total of 442 clients) seen in FY 17-18 <br />consisting of medicaid eligible babies and uninsured mothers. <br /> Breastfeeding Support Services <br />o Most referrals are received from UNC. Home visits occur in which education and <br />support are provided to mothers interested in and/or need help with <br />breastfeeding. <br /> Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Counseling <br />o Grief counseling for families affected by the death of an infant from SIDS. FHV <br />has 3 SIDS counselors on staff. <br /> <br /> <br />The BOH members had questions that were addressed by Ms. Barnes. <br /> <br />C. 3rd Quarter Financial & Billing Dashboard Reports <br /> <br />Rebecca Crawford, Financial & Administrative Services Director, gave a report on the 3rd <br />quarter revenue and billing accuracy. The report is as follows: <br /> <br />• Total Health Department Revenue: Average YTD monthly revenue in FY19 at the third <br />quarter is $223k/month or $2.0m YTD, representing 54.6% of our overall budgeted <br />revenue for the year. Multiple factors contribute to the lower than normal revenue: <br />Electronic Medical Record (EMR) change to Epic, and departmental closures due to <br />weather related events and computer network outages negatively impacting all divisions. <br />Allocations of Medicaid Max funds will not be transferred into our budget until the end of <br />the fiscal year. Expenses are higher than revenues at 66.5% of the overall budget but <br />are lower than budgeted in an effort to match our reduced revenue intake. <br /> <br />• Total Billing Accuracy: Billing Accuracy is under construction due to the change in <br />medical EMR. The Informatics team and UNC Epic reporting staff are working diligently <br />to have this measure for both medical and dental back by the fourth quarter financial <br />report. <br /> <br />• Dental Earned Revenue by Source: The FY 18-19 average monthly dental revenue <br />($43.6k/month) for the third quarter is slightly below our budget projection ($45k/month) <br />but higher than our FY 17-18 average of $42.6k/month. FY 18-19 dental earned revenue <br />totaled $393k at the end of the third quarter. <br /> <br />• Medical Earned Revenue by Source: Medical earned revenue is currently below the <br />budgeted projection for FY 18-19 ($55.6k/month) at $35.5k/month (although higher than <br />the first quarter average of $16.3k/month and second quarter average of $22k/month). <br />We continue to recover from factors in the first and second quarter which contributed to <br />lower revenue but are steadily seeing an increase as our Epic EMR allows us to capture <br />more and more of our earned revenue that was delayed. Medical clinic earned revenue <br />totals $320k for third quarter FY 18-19. <br /> <br />• Environmental Health Earned Revenue by Source: Environmental Health earned <br />revenue is currently below the budgeted projection for FY 18-19 ($53k/month) at <br />$44.9k/month) although this is a seasonal trend and has also been affected by office <br />closings and wet weather, which resulted in an inability to perform as many onsite well <br />and septic inspections. We typically see an increase in revenue during the spring with
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