Agenda - 03-06-2001-9d
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 03-06-2001
Agenda - 03-06-2001-9d
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4 <br />Orange County Environment and Resource Conservation Deparlment <br />Draft 2/Z6/Z~OI <br />Use and Access Plan for McGowan Creek Preserve <br />The McGowan Creek Preserve was acquired by Orange County to further protect <br />the critical area for the Upper Eno watershed and to preserve an area of open <br />space (former Duke Forest property) between Hillsborough and Efland. located <br />at the confluence of McGowan Creek and the Eno River, the 63-acre park <br />provides a natural area for people and wildlife to enjoy. The site will feature a <br />rustic picnic area and two miles of trails through the mature woodlands. <br />Several issues must be considered before developing the park for public use. <br />Staff recommendations for parkland use and access are presented below for <br />BOCC consideration and approval. A proposed site plan for the park is attached. <br />Visitor Use <br />StafF proposes developing a few basic amenities to enable the public to use and <br />enjoy the park for picnics, hiking, and nature study. A small gravel parking area <br />(5-7 cars) is planned near the entrance from US 70. From there visitors will be <br />able to use picnic tables and enjoy a walk on trails leading through various <br />sections of the property. (Please see the attached site plan) <br />Hours of Operation <br />StafF proposes advertising the park being open to the public only during daylight <br />hours---from dawn to dusk. A security gate should be installed at the entrance, <br />which would require someone to open and close at the beginning and end of the <br />day. Staff is also looking into having a security telephone available on site. <br />Park Entrance <br />'Access to the park will be from a driveway entrance from US 70 West. Because <br />of the high-speed travel and unusual lane shifts along this stretch of roadway, <br />the NC Department of Transportation has advised Orange County that it will <br />need to construct a new turn lane beginning at least Z00 feet from the entrance. <br />The County Engineer is calculating the turn lane specifications so that staff can <br />submit a driveway permit application to NCDOT. The estimate cost of the turn <br />lane is about $30,000. Staff is also speaking with NCDOT about the possibility of <br />adding a short left-turnaround lane to facilitate access to the Preserve by cars <br />traveling east on US 70. (Please see the attached site plan.) <br />Trash Removal <br />Trash receptacles will be located in the parking and picnic area, and will include <br />bins for recyclable materials. Trash removal will be necessary following weekend <br />use and perhaps once or twice more during the week. <br />McGowan Creek Preserve Orange County ERCD <br />
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