Orange County NC Website
~c <br />PHILIP <br />POST <br />ASSOCIATES <br />iV~,~oRarrnuM <br />To: Eddie Kirk Orange Couaty Flooring <br />From: Phil Posy Philip Post dt Associates, Inc. <br />3ub,~ect: Sunrise Road Subdivisiaa <br />Date: Msrch 9.2000 <br />31901 BO'1.H0~~030900.K <br />Enclosed is the cwapkte prelimitttaty Plat appli~catiatt far Suraiae Springs, tag to tha <br />Coatxpt Plan rommenca we received npoe: Concept P1sm appr~a~val oo Juas 2. ]999. <br />Neighbors asloed abatrt pccas~ we have sha~vrt'the pxoposed bases plavemant an the Iota, which <br />dea:onstrate haw we will saw trees. Alsv~, the cleadn3 limits inr the roadway ara y~y mmarnal. <br />Neighbors asloed about stornnaater raaaf~ Our t at the Concept Plan aaeeting was that <br />we would nae the new roadway (` ;Stator A'7 to iz~a+oept sheetflo~v caning taa~rds tha <br />drainagevvay and radirect that wader aawards I~ <br />we have done this as the fatal plans. <br />Tits design fbr 3tr+e~ A takes all shaetflow and ditch water ib~ station 2 + 04.76 bacl~c towards <br />i-40. This.iacludes inta+capdgg stone of the dtatuag+e off Suttrlse Road and sanding it back to I <br />40. T'he Z3 yea; flow thwugh the 1$" RCF pipe under Street A is 9.40 ~. which is leas than the <br />pze-dcvala~pmettt 2~-ymr flaa- do d:a draiaagea-ay. <br />Neighbors sated abort the 40l~aot septic easement and fonx maam. <br />we have alimiaa0ed the mpdc t artd fot+x main i~ rLe plans may, lnelndipg the <br />associated cleas~ has beta eliminated. <br />Neighbors salted abort two sepdc aysp:ma a®lot S. <br />we have eliminated one lot snd reduced the subdivision fibm 91ota t4 S lots and is the process <br />we will only have ~ (i) aepac systsat an oath lot, aa~ludiag lot S. <br />Neighbors aakaed about aarveas>nts. Covattmts will be adoptal by this svbdivisiaa, Neighbors . <br />salted about accros of all lots to Street "A". The plan shows all horses oriented with dives off <br />Strew "A". There will be ~ v w off Sutn~ise Roped. <br />