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<br />cost of the electric motorcycle with the basic police package is $22,285. Orange County <br />received approval to use a $6,450 quote on a basic gasoline motorcycle as the base <br />model comparison for the purposes of this grant. The grant will cover 80% of the <br />difference between these costs. The required County match and total County costs is <br />$9,617 and will come from available Drug Forfeiture funds. This budget amendment <br />provides for the receipt of these reimbursable grant funds and the use of available Drug <br />Forfeiture funds in FY 2019-20 for the purchase of the electric motorcycle. (See <br />Attachment 1, column 13) <br /> <br />Phillip Nick Waters Emergency Services Building Remediation Capital Project <br /> <br />16. In March 2019, the Board of Commissioners approved a contract with Sasser Companies <br />for the remediation and reconstruction of the Phillip Nick Waters Emergency Services <br />Building. On June 3, 2019, work for this project commenced with removal of all the <br />Emergency Services Communications equipment. After the equipment was removed, all <br />furniture, files and other items were removed for cleaning at an offsite facility. The <br />deconstruction services for this project began and found that during previous renovations <br />the walls were built using wood studs instead of metal studs. Due to current building and <br />fire codes, these wood studs must be removed and replaced with metal studs. <br /> <br />Also, during the process of deconstruction prior to the Sasser award, the building was <br />exposed to toxic organic growth that entered into the HVAC equipment. Due to the <br />HVAC equipment being very close to end of life and the release of the organic growth <br />contaminating the system, it is recommended to replace the entire HVAC system. This <br />alleviates the risk of recontamination of the facility with toxic organic growth. Also, due to <br />current condition of the roof system, it is recommended to replace it during the <br />reconstruction. Due to these unforeseen conditions, the project schedule has to be <br />extended for all work to be completed by the end of December 2019. <br /> <br />These changes, estimated at $731,000, include the increase for the lease extensions, <br />replacement of the entire HVAC system, controls to remotely monitor the HVAC system, <br />all wall rework as required to meet existing building and fire codes, estimated costs for <br />replacement of the existing roof system, and light replacement to LED lighting to meet the <br />goals for energy efficiencies. This budget amendment provides for the increase in the <br />overall project budget by $731,000, and amends the following Capital Project Ordinance: <br /> <br />Philip Nick Waters Emergency Services Building Remediation Project ($731,000) - <br />Project #10068 <br /> <br />Revenues for this project: <br /> Current <br />FY 2019-20 <br />FY 2019-20 <br />Amendment <br />FY 2019-20 <br />Revised <br />Alternative Financing – From <br />Repurposed Projects $549,450 $0 $549,450 <br />Alternative Financing - New $1,846,209 $731,000 $2,577,209 <br />From General Fund – From <br />Repurposed Projects $82,800 $0 $82,800 <br />Total Project Funding $2,478,459 $731,000 $3,209,459 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />9