Orange County NC Website
5 <br /> Chair Rich said she too enjoyed the Arts Conference, and it was a remarkable <br /> experience. She said Orange County is on the right track with the arts. She reviewed highlights <br /> of her trip. <br /> Chair Rich said the budget process is hard, and the Commissioners are not in <br /> competition when doing a budget and the Board needs to be collaborative. She said the Board <br /> speaks with the school boards often. <br /> 4. Proclamations/ Resolutions/ Special Presentations <br /> a. Proclamation Recognizing the Carrboro High School Women's Soccer Team for <br /> Winning the 2019 State 2A Championship <br /> The Board considered voting to approve a Proclamation Recognizing the Carrboro High <br /> School Women's Soccer Team for winning the 2019 State 2A Championship and authorize the <br /> Chair to sign. <br /> Coach Jared Drexler introduced some of the players. <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos read the Proclamation: <br /> ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> PROCLAMATION OF RECOGNITION ON <br /> CARRBORO HIGH SCHOOL WOMEN'S SOCCER TEAM WINNING THE 2019 STATE 2A <br /> CHAMPIONSHIP <br /> WHEREAS, the Carrboro High School Women's Soccer Team captured the North Carolina High <br /> School Athletic Association's State 2A Championship; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Jaguars won all but one match this season, compiling an excellent 18-1-2 <br /> record and a perfect record of 10-0 in the Mid-State Conference; and <br /> WHEREAS, under the guidance of Coach Jared Drexler, the Carrboro High School Women's <br /> Soccer Team has won four of the last five state titles; and <br /> WHEREAS, through their hard work, dedication, teamwork and commitment, the team and <br /> Coach Drexler brought honor upon themselves, Carrboro High School, the Chapel <br /> Hill-Carrboro City Schools District and Orange County; <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, be it proclaimed that the Orange County Board of Commissioners <br /> expresses its sincere appreciation and respect to the Carrboro High School <br /> Women's Soccer Team for their outstanding achievement and their inspiration to <br /> youth across North Carolina through their dedication, teamwork and athletic <br /> prowess. <br /> This the 18th day of June 2019. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner McKee, seconded by Commissioner Dorosin to <br /> approve and authorize the Chair to sign the proclamation recognizing the Carrboro High School <br /> Jaguars Women's Soccer Team for winning the 2019 State 2A Championship and honoring the <br /> players and coaches for representing the community with the highest ideals of sportsmanship <br /> and integrity. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />