Orange County NC Website
4 <br /> This product and other glyphosate based broad-spectrum herbicides have been the subject of <br /> much investigation in the last several years, as you likely know, and in particular in the last <br /> several months with the results of recent lawsuits. At present, County staff use this product <br /> sparingly, only on County grounds and landscaped areas to address poison ivy and weed <br /> control. <br /> However, staff has been tracking this issue and several months back identified the need to <br /> again review this and other herbicide use. In May we formed a Pesticide/Herbicide Working <br /> Group with representatives from DEAPR, Asset Management and Solid Waste. <br /> Pending this working group's look at current policies and practices, and the development of <br /> recommended new updates or changes (or direction from the Board or Manager), staff will <br /> cease use of Roundup. <br /> We anticipate a report from the Working Group on updates to policies and practices later this <br /> summer. <br /> Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions <br /> P. David Stancil, AICP <br /> Director, Department of Environment, Agriculture, Parks and Recreation (DEAPR)" <br /> Commissioner Dorosin referred to the budget amendment process, and said it is tricky to <br /> get amendments submitted prior to receiving the budget, but he suggested moving the public <br /> hearings back, or taking public comment at budget work sessions. He said the Board is <br /> constrained about having ideas before the budget is presented. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said last week his amendment about school funding did not get <br /> support, but there was general support to discuss it at a later date. He petitioned to bring this <br /> topic back in the fall, outside the pressures of the budget process. <br /> Commissioner Greene she supports all comments from the Board of County <br /> Commissioners tonight, and she too, like Commissioner Bedford, appreciated all their <br /> assistance in being a new Commissioner. <br /> Commissioner Greene said she attended the Executive Committee of Triangle J Council <br /> of Governments (TJCOG), where members gave permission to accept a grant opportunity from <br /> the Federal Home Loan Bank Board of Atlanta's affordable housing program, to do home repair <br /> projects in Chatham County. <br /> Commissioner Greene said she, Chair Rich and Katie Murray attended the Americans <br /> for the Arts Conference in Minneapolis, which was inspiring and encouraging. She said Orange <br /> County must continue to boost the arts economy. She said she is also very committed to the <br /> arts not being an elite activity, but rather something that is accessible to all. <br /> Commissioner Price referred to Commissioner Dorosin's petition about Round Up, and <br /> said there was a group in Carrboro that dealt with this topic (ToxicFree NC), and it may be wise <br /> to follow up. <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos said a resident contacted him, asking that any information that <br /> comes out of the committee studying the Round Up/toxins, be forwarded to all other government <br /> entities in the County. <br /> Chair Rich said Dr. Charles Van Der Horst passed away, and she would like to do a <br /> proclamation for him in September. She said he was one of the first people to attend to Aids <br /> patients, as well as conduct research, when other doctors were unwilling to do so. <br />