Orange County NC Website
30 <br /> Commissioner Price asked if staff could explain this item. <br /> Brenda Bartholomew, Human Resources (HR) Director, said HR has been working on <br /> salary and classification reviews for the last 3 years, and she said staff has been working <br /> through the lowest grade through grade 13. She said part of grade 13 was Detention Officer. <br /> She said she met with the Sheriff to discuss his department again. She said some work had <br /> previously been done with the Deputy Sheriff salary, making them competitive and equitable <br /> with towns and surrounding counties. She said this opened dialogue at looking at the Sheriff's <br /> Department, and when she met with him a few weeks ago, they intended to look at the <br /> department as a whole and wrap up the classification review. She said this also included the <br /> Sheriff's salary, and the conversation arose about how an elected official increases his salary, <br /> and there was some support for looking at this issue. She said there are different requirements <br /> for requesting a salary increase for elected officials, which is under the NC General Statutes. <br /> Brenda Bartholomew said the action agenda before the Board tonight is a request, <br /> based on all the aforementioned conversations, to increase the salary for the Sheriff and the <br /> Register of Deeds. She said the salary increases are only being given to those employees that <br /> are compressed, which the County has been addressing for several years. She said a 12.5% <br /> increase was given to compressed employees in 2015-2016, followed by a 6.25% increase the <br /> next year. She said directors were never included in any of the conversations at that time. She <br /> said since then, any time the opportunity has arisen, 25% has been applied to compression <br /> when a study is complete. She said she looked at the Sheriff's salary (approximately <br /> $121,000), and then looked at supporting counties, and his salary was very low in comparison <br /> to Durham, Guilford, and Wake. She said she made her recommendation based on that <br /> analysis, as well as the formula that staff has been applying to any reviews over the last 3-4 <br /> years. <br /> Commissioner Price asked if this process was the same for the Register of Deeds <br /> position. <br /> Brenda Bartholomew said yes. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Price, seconded by Commissioner Greene to <br /> approve a resolution providing notice of adjustment of the salaries of the Sheriff and Register of <br /> Deeds positions. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> v. Proposed Changes to the Long-Term Housing Affordability Policy <br /> The Board considered voting to approve changes to the Long-Term Housing Affordability <br /> Policy as it relates to reporting requirements for projects financed with HOME or other federal <br /> funds in order to bring about consistency with federal regulations and to incorporate those <br /> changes, if approved, into the FY2019-20 HOME Annual Action Plan and all future Annual <br /> Action Plans. <br /> Commissioner Greene said this is a technical and complicated issue. She said she <br /> wanted to point out that HUD's requirements for affordability is usually around 40 years, and she <br /> said the DHIC in Chapel Hill is a low income housing tax credit project. She said the low <br /> income housing tax credit mechanism is the biggest renter safety net in the country for the past <br /> 30 years, but often these units are syndicates and benefit investors with tax credits. She said <br /> when the period of time is exhausted, the investors are done, and the units typically go on the <br /> open market, leaving them no longer affordable. She said the County is lucky to have DHIC <br /> locally, a committed non-profit housing provider, who keeps the units affordable indefinitely. <br /> She said CASA, Community Home Trust and the County are other agencies doing this same <br /> work, and she wanted to highlight this effort to maintain permanent affordability. <br />