Orange County NC Website
3 <br /> Seamus O'Neill said he has been trying to engage the Human Relations Commission <br /> (HRC) on its Linda Sarsour event, and the process that lead to her selection, and the evaluation <br /> done post-speech. He said there appears to be no process or vehicle for engaging with staff or <br /> the HRC, and while members were willing to listen to his feedback, there is no way for it to be <br /> processed thereafter. He provided the Board with written comments, and asked if there could <br /> be public engagement in the processes of the HRC, and possibly other commissions. <br /> Mark Sommerville said he is here to talk about the gun shooting in his neighborhood. <br /> He said the way weapons are not being handled carefully, but rather in a joking and unsafe way. <br /> He provided an audio of the gunfire he has heard from his property. <br /> Lynn Gischwind said she supports all of the comments about the gun shooting/target <br /> range, and added that the impact on animals should not go unnoticed. She said she had gutter <br /> repairs done on her home, and the gutter company found a .22 bullet in their roof, which was <br /> incredibly disturbing. <br /> Chair Rich said the topic of gunfire will be referred to staff, and it will be a discussion <br /> item at the beginning of the 2019-20 session. <br /> b. Matters on the Printed Agenda <br /> (These matters will be considered when the Board addresses that item on the agenda <br /> below.) <br /> 3. Announcements, Petitions and Comments by Board Members <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos attend the Sold Waste Advisory Group (SWAG) meeting last <br /> night, where there was a presentation from a textile recycling company recycling, as well as an <br /> ongoing discussion about composting. <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos petitioned the County to research the issue of providing <br /> childcare at the Board of County Commissioners meetings. He also petitioned staff to look into <br /> the cost and implications of going fare-free with Orange County buses. <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos said the budget amendment process has been the same for <br /> the past 2-3 years. He said amendments were proposed to the Manager, some of which were <br /> controversial. He said several amendments drew attention, especially schools, and he <br /> suggested having a work session in the fall about the budget amendment process, and how it <br /> may be improved. <br /> Commissioner Bedford thanked all who mentored her as a new Commissioner. <br /> Commissioner McKee endorsed Commissioner Marcoplos call for a work session in the <br /> fall to discuss the budget amendment process. He said the process this year almost became <br /> dysfunctional, with several amendments coming in after the public hearings. He said the public <br /> must have ample opportunity to speak on these proposed budget amendments. <br /> Commissioner Price echoed Commissioner Marcoplos and Commissioner McKee's <br /> comments. She congratulated all students for completing another year, and those who are <br /> moving on. <br /> Commissioner Price said tomorrow is Juneteenth, commemorating the day that word of <br /> the emancipation proclamation reached the last state in the Union, and an overall celebration of <br /> freedoms hard won by the African American community. <br /> Commissioner Price said on July 4th the Town of Carrboro will be holding its annual <br /> reading of"The Meaning of July 4th for the Negro" by Frederick Douglass. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said he previously made a petition about banning the use of <br /> Round Up and glycophate on County properties. He said he received the following email from <br /> Department of the Environment, Agriculture, Parks and Recreation (DEAPR) staff about this: <br /> "Good afternoon. One more petition response. This is in reply to the petition of June 4 that the <br /> County make efforts to no longer use the glyphosate-based herbicide Roundup. <br />