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28 <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said the slide before shows $4 million in 2023, but this chart <br /> shows a drop in 2023. He asked if these two charts can be reconciled. <br /> Travis Myren said the "total capital expenses" captures the total amount, not just the <br /> BRT portion. He said these go up in 2021, 2022, and even though the largest share of the BRT <br /> expense would be in 2023, there is no other capital expenditures occurring in any significant <br /> way, other than $500,000 for bus stop improvements. <br /> Commissioner Price said referred to the "total revenue" line, and asked if the revenue <br /> source could be identified. <br /> Travis Myren said this revenue is all of the dedicated transit revenues: Article 43 sales <br /> tax, vehicle rental tax, and both registration fees. <br /> Commissioner Price asked if any fares have been calculated in. <br /> Travis Myren said no. He said there are no additional operating expenses for the BRT at <br /> this point, but there may be some. He said the transit plan can support some additional <br /> spending, especially starting in 2024. He said the fund balance will accumulate, once the major <br /> investments are made in capital in years 2020-2023. He resumed the presentation: <br /> Financial Model <br /> • Ten Year Fund Balance Analysis <br /> CumulativeN M W-Ee <br /> relax �..ya. <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos said hopefully the SPOT funding will come through, and the $8 <br /> million can be reimbursed. He asked if there is a point at which the SPOT funding could be low <br /> enough to result in none of the $8 million being reimbursed. <br /> Travis Myren said if the full $25 million is awarded, there will be some relief to the $8 <br /> million, but staff does not know to what magnitude, at this point. <br /> Commissioner Price referred to the 10 year fund balance analysis, and asked if it is good <br /> practice to continue to accumulate. She asked if there is a percentage that should be kept in <br /> the fund balance. <br /> Travis Myren said in 2022 there could be a fund balance of$929,000, and this assumes <br /> that they will implement the projects that are in the current transit plan, plus the BRT. He said <br /> as the new transit plan is updated, staff will ask the Board to start using these resources to fund <br /> the plan. <br />