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24 <br /> Commissioner Dorosin clarified that Hillsborough to Southern Village has been <br /> determined, and will be dedicated curb lane convert from Hillsborough to Manning, then mixed <br /> traffic to Highway 54, and then construct from there to Southern Village. <br /> Brian Litchfield said yes. He said staff will look to see if there are ways to phase in the <br /> project, and the area further south may be able to be put to a future year. He said many <br /> variables, including cost, will have to be considered. <br /> Commissioner Price asked what would happen to the $8 million if the $25 million comes <br /> in. <br /> Brian Litchfield said if an amount close to $25 million comes in, staff would return to the <br /> staff working group for the Orange County transit plan, and talk about how to proceed. He said <br /> hopefully the $8 million could be reduced in that scenario. <br /> Commissioner Price clarified that the $8 million will not be used right away, and is rather <br /> just a commitment. <br /> Brian Litchfield said yes, and it is in the plan from 2022 onwards. He said the $8 million <br /> is not needed to do the 30% design or any other current work, and rather it is to show the <br /> Federal Transit Administration (FTA) that there are dedicated funds, should to project move <br /> forward. <br /> Commissioner Price asked if the community will be given a chance for input after staff <br /> does the charrettes, and goes back to the drawing board. <br /> Brian Litchfield said yes, probably in the fall. <br /> Chair Rich referred to the "what's happening slide" and the picture of the BRT running <br /> down the center of the lanes. <br /> Brian said that is not an example of this BRT project, but rather is illustrative of what <br /> some of the DOT design work could lead to over time. He said it is unlikely to happen with the <br /> current corridor. <br /> Chair Rich echoed Commissioner Dorosin's concerns of the BRT wiggling in and out of <br /> traffic, and how regular traffic keeps flowing. <br /> Brian Litchfield referred to the "current status" slide, and said the desire is to minimize <br /> transitions from one area to the next. He said when 30% design is done, from Eubanks through <br /> Hillsborough will either be dark green or light green. He said Hillsborough Street into downtown <br /> will have some transition areas, where buses are pulling out of dedicated lanes into mixed <br /> traffic. He said staff has visited other cities where buses transition in and out traffic, and there <br /> are signals that allow this to happen. He said there would be something similar done in Chapel <br /> Hill, along with signage and different colors of paint on the road. He said during peak hours, <br /> from Rosemary Street to the Carolina Inn, the outside lane almost operates as a bus lane <br /> already, with many buses lining up in that outside lane. <br /> Chair Rich asked if the BRT comes on in 2023, what would be done with the current <br /> buses that use that lane. She asked if the buses would be used for other service, or be worked <br /> out of the fleet. <br /> Brian Litchfield said this investment is building upon the investment that has already <br /> been made in the corridor already, and he said there is a 10-minute service on the north-south <br /> corridor alone, which takes 8 buses. He said in August that number of buses will move to 10, <br /> due to an investment from the Chapel Hill Transit partners. He said by August 2020, it will move <br /> to 12-15 buses, and provide 8 minute or better service. He said buses that need replacing will <br /> be replaced, and other routes that come into the corridor will likely be realigned to better serve <br /> different areas in that corridor. He said this will all be worked out in the new short range service <br /> plan, which will come online in August 2020. <br /> Commissioner Greene referred to South Columbia Street, from Mason Farm Road to <br /> Highway 54, and said it is a wide road, and asked if there is a reason there cannot be dedicated <br /> lanes here. <br />