Orange County NC Website
22 <br /> If outside funding is secured by the Town of Chapel Hill for this project, the financial obligations <br /> of the Transit Plan will be relieved, up to $8 million. <br /> Brian Litchfield, Chapel Hill Transit Director, made the following PowerPoint <br /> presentation: <br /> Chapel Hill Transit North-South BRT <br /> Orange County Board of County Commissioners <br /> June 18, 2019 <br /> BRT Context and Vision <br /> Prepares the Town and funding partners to meet mobility demand as the region <br /> continues to grow: <br /> • Current system close to maximum capacity <br /> • Proposed system provides a long-term, scalable solution for residents and visitors <br /> — Possible extensions North and South. Future corridors may include Fordham <br /> (Eastowne) to Carrboro (White Cross). <br /> • Connects to regional transit options <br /> — Including GoTriangle and PART. <br /> • Supports current and planned development in the corridor with a multi-modal system <br /> that serves cyclists, pedestrians and other users <br /> Bike and Ped Investments <br /> • Current infrastructure varies <br /> • 84% of route will have dedicated bike and ped path <br /> Technical and Policy Committees <br /> DM 1H111 <br /> HE <br /> j2uNC _ <br /> • '` „ ORANGE COUNTY <br /> . nwuS� NORtM CkROUNA <br /> Federal Project Implementation Process <br /> c,env ar�cMee r.wwmnv awn <br />