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20 <br /> therefore asked to consider approval of the attached HOME Program Resolution. The FY 2019- <br /> 2020 Annual Action Plan will be submitted to HUD on or before June 25, 2019. <br /> HOME Program Implementation <br /> After approval of the FY 2019-2020 HOME Program Design by all Consortium participants, <br /> authorization is also requested to allow the Orange County Manager, based on the HUD <br /> allocation received, to execute agreements with partnering non-profit organizations as <br /> necessary to implement the approved HOME Program Design. All agreements will receive the <br /> review and approval of the County Attorney's Office. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin asked if EMPOWERMENT has now become a CHDO. <br /> Sherrill Hampton said yes. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin offered congratulations for hard work, and a job well done. <br /> PUBLIC COMMENT: <br /> Delores Bailey said EmPOWERment is so proud to be a CHDO, and is ready to do <br /> outstanding work especially around rental needs. She thanked the BOCC for its support. She <br /> said EmPOWERment now has 54 properties. <br /> Commissioner Greene said she appreciated of all of this good work, and asked if the <br /> next 5-year consolidated plan is being worked on. <br /> Sherrill Hampton said the County will start the process in the fall, and she recommends <br /> the selection of a consultant, which staff will do through the County's procurement office. She <br /> said she will work with the other government entities to determine which tenants should go in <br /> the RFP, and the RFP will go out and then staff will engage all the various stakeholders, <br /> including the public. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Dorosin, seconded by Commissioner Price for the <br /> Board to: <br /> 1) Adopt a Resolution approving the Consolidated Plan's FY 2019-2020 Annual Action <br /> Plan; <br /> 2) Adopt a Resolution approving the proposed HOME Program Design for FY 2019- <br /> 2020; and <br /> 3) Authorize the County Manager to implement the FY 2019-2020 HOME Program <br /> Design, as approved by the BOCC, including the ability to execute agreements with <br /> partnering non-profit organizations, after consultation with the County Attorney and <br /> based on the allocation received from HUD. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> d. Amendment to the Orange County Transit Plan to Increase Funding for the Chapel <br /> Hill Transit North South Bus Rapid Transit (NSBRT) Protect <br /> The Board considered voting to approve an amendment to the Orange County Transit <br /> Plan to increase funding for the Chapel Hill Transit North South Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project <br /> from $6.1 M to $14.1 M. The funding would be provided using Dedicated Transit Revenues. <br /> Travis Myren presented this item: <br /> PURPOSE: To consider an amendment to the Orange County Transit Plan to increase funding <br /> for the Chapel Hill Transit North South Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project from $6.1 M to $14.1 M. <br /> The funding would be provided using Dedicated Transit Revenues. <br />