Orange County NC Website
3 <br /> -Proposed Amendment to Add $140,000 to Purchase Two Large Capacity Vans for <br /> Community Center Use <br /> -Cost is Partially Offset ($107,000) by PAYGO/Cash Originally Budgeted for the <br /> Cedar Grove Shower Project <br /> -Vans Shared and Scheduled by Community Centers through Motor Pool <br /> Commissioner Price asked if Community Centers will need to secure drivers and <br /> insurance. <br /> Travis Myren said there would be some type of lease/rental agreement, with which there <br /> would be no associated costs. He said the vehicle is County property, which the County <br /> insures, but the Community Centers would be responsible for providing properly insured drivers. <br /> He resumed the presentation: <br /> FY2019-20 Budget Information <br /> • CIP Debt Model — Debt Service (graph) <br /> • CIP Debt Model — Simulated Tax Rates for Debt Service (graph) <br /> • OCPT Revenue- Fare vs Non-Fare <br /> • Operating Budget Amendments <br /> o Reordered and Renumbered - Tax Rate Amendments First <br /> o Other Operating Budget Amendments - Offset by Increase in EMS Revenue <br /> • Capital Investment Plan Amendments <br /> o Offset by PAYGO (Cash) or <br /> o Offset by Delaying Equipment for Southern Branch Library due to Construction <br /> Schedule <br /> Decision Points <br /> • Approve the Resolution of Intent to Adopt the FY2019-20 Operating Budget at the <br /> Board of County Commissioners Regular Meeting on June 18, 2019 <br /> o Operating Budget for FY2019-20 <br /> o Year One (FY2019-20) of the Capital Investment Plan and Accept the Five Year <br /> Plan <br /> o Tax Rates for County, Special District, and Fire Districts <br /> o Fee Schedule <br /> Travis Myren said the list of amendments have been reorganized somewhat, so that all <br /> amendments that will adjust the tax base are first. He began a review of the amendments: <br /> 1. Discussion of FY2019-20 Operating Budget <br /> • Funding Decisions on the Operating Budget Amendment List <br /> • Funding Decisions on the Other Funds Budget Amendment List <br /> • Funding Decisions for Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools and Orange County Schools <br /> o Current Expense (Per Pupil) <br /> Deferred Maintenance <br />