Orange County NC Website
U19t roJeUs snglrFemi�Reneuareeon Fi4xJs <br /> Travis Myren said there is a lot of acitivity in the central and western parts of the County. <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos asked if seniors are given prioity. <br /> Sherrill Hampton said yes, the urgent critical repair program is at 50% and is only for <br /> elderly, physically challenged, and low income individuals. <br /> Travis Myren resumed the presentation: <br /> Human Services <br /> • Human Rights and Relations—page 292 <br /> •Total Expenditure Budget-$344,031 <br /> Increase.1563.552 Ore,FY2g1&18eudgc <br /> •Structural Racial Equity Review-$20,000 <br /> -E,—Acceae,Peuslea,P—ureaanel pantslmp— <br /> •Offwe Assistant Transfer from County Aftorney-$32,806 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> Commissioner Greene said the racial equity analysis seems to be a major issue to <br /> tackle, and asked if this encompasses specific items. <br /> Annette Moore, Human Rights and Relations Director, said they plan to assemble a <br /> team to look at County policies and procedures, and work with the Government Alliance on <br /> Race and Equity (GARE), and in cohort with other County and State agencies, to come up with <br /> a plan on how to undo racism in our agencies and how this effort can be expanded across the <br /> board with common language. <br /> Commissioner Price asked if Annette Moore could explain the areas of discrimination for <br /> the 19 fair housing complaints. <br /> Annette Moore said the most common complaint that staff is seeing is disability cases. <br /> She said the other common issue is familial status cases. She gave an example of a housing <br /> provider that told people that they could only have three people in a two bedroom unit. She said <br /> there are providers out there that believe this type of discimination is acceptable. She said staff <br /> is going a lot of training for housing providers and residents on rights. She said there is also a <br /> big push by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to look at sexual <br /> harrassment in public housing, and her staff will be doing some work around this area. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said none of these complaints are unusual, and this has been a <br /> big year for the department, which is a good thing. He said there has been incredible work <br /> done here, but going forward, everyone needs do a better job communicating about local <br /> programs, what the County is doing, how it is doing it, promoting the work of this area and <br />