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37 <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> c. Zoning Atlas Amendment - 2616 Old Greensboro Road (PIN 9758-42-4098) <br /> The Board held a public hearing, receive the Planning Board recommendation, and <br /> consider action on a property owner initiated amendment to the Zoning Atlas for a parcel of <br /> property at 2616 Old Greensboro Road. Specifically, the applicant is requesting the property be <br /> rezoned: <br /> From: Existing Commercial (EC-5); Rural Buffer (RB); University Lake Protected Watershed <br /> Protection Overlay District <br /> To: EC-5; University Lake Protected Watershed Protection Overlay District to ensure existing <br /> non-residential land uses are conforming to the requirements of the Unified Development <br /> Ordinance (UDO) to ensure existing non-residential land uses are conforming to the <br /> requirements of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). <br /> BACKGROUND: In 2016, staff initiated a review of several properties throughout the County <br /> that were split zoned (i.e. residential and non-residential zoning designations), zoned <br /> nonresidential where there was no corresponding non-residential land use, and where existing <br /> zoning boundaries did not allow for the logical use of property. <br /> As reported at that time, there were many instances where previous staff had drawn zoning <br /> district boundaries in a manner encompassing the actual land use (i.e. building) while excluding <br /> other areas, most notably parking, septic fields and/or required land use buffers. Staff worked <br /> with several property owners, including the current applicant, in an attempt to address these <br /> problems by updating the zoning designations on various parcels. <br /> 2616 Old Greensboro Road, further identified utilizing Orange County Parcel Identification <br /> Number (PIN) 9758-42-4098, is an approximately 4 acre parcel of property split zoned RB and 1 <br /> EC-5. EC-5 is the general use zoning designation specifically crafted to capture "grandfathered" <br /> non-residential uses in existence prior to the adoption of zoning in each township. In this case, <br /> Bingham Township (including this property) was originally zoned in 1981. <br /> The property has been used as a self-storage facility, wood working shop, and residence since <br /> approximately 1977. Current zoning designations split the existing non-residential land uses into <br /> separate districts (i.e. portions are located within both the EC-5 and RB general use zoning <br /> designations). <br /> When staff initiated zoning atlas amendments in 2016, the property owner requested this <br /> property not be considered to allow additional opportunity to review impacts. Since that time, the <br /> property owner has elected to submit the required zoning atlas amendment application seeking <br /> to proceed with a rezoning of the property, eliminating the existing split zoning and zone the <br /> entire parcel EC-5, consistent with staff's original proposal in 2016. <br /> It is unclear why the original zoning effort undertaken in the Bingham Township, which occurred <br /> in 1981, failed to capture the various non-residential land uses that were in existence on the <br /> property. This request, however, will address this matter by rezoning the property entirely to EC- <br /> 5. <br /> Development Process, Schedule, and Action: The typical cadence for the review of a <br /> General Use Rezoning and Zoning Atlas amendment is: <br />