Orange County NC Website
34 <br /> affordable housing with some kind of inclusionary zoning models that Chapel Hill uses, with <br /> incentives, etc. He said this is a topic for further discussion. <br /> Chair Rich said there is a constant goal to get affordable housing, and asked if there <br /> is there a way to get those density bonuses; to think outside the box. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Marcoplos, seconded by Commissioner <br /> Bedford for the Board to approve the Preliminary Plat and Resolution of Approval contained <br /> in Attachment 7. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> MOVED BELOW <br /> 5. Public Hearings <br /> Michael Burton, GIS Senior Project Coordinator, presented this item: <br /> a. Public Hearing on Renaming a Portion of Teer Road to Flatrock Road <br /> The Board conducted a public hearing on the renaming of a portion of Teer Road <br /> (Secondary Road 1100) to Flatrock Road <br /> BACKGROUND: North Carolina General Statute §153A-239.1 (NCGS §153A-239.1) grants a <br /> county the authority to rename any road within a county as provided by the statute and by a <br /> County Ordinance after the Board of County Commissioners has held a public hearing. The <br /> Public hearing must be held at least ten days prior to the renaming the road and a notice of the <br /> time, place and subject matter of the hearing prominently posted at the courthouse, in at least <br /> two public places in the township where the road is located, and the notice of the hearing must <br /> be published in a newspaper of general circulation published in the County. <br /> The Orange County Board of Commissioners adopted an Ordinance entitled "An Ordinance to <br /> Assign and Regulate Road Names, House and Building Numbers in Orange County" (the <br /> "Addressing Ordinance") on December 13, 2011. The Addressing Ordinance allows the <br /> Addressing Administrator to rename a road according to NCGS § 6-34(b)(2)(a) which provides, <br /> "Road names may be changed by the Address Administrator when the road name is a duplicate <br /> of another road name within a designated postal area or within Orange County and interferes <br /> with the accurate dispatch of emergency service or postal delivery. In addition, a road name <br /> may be changed when one road has two commonly used names or where portions of what <br /> appears to be the same road has two or more names." <br /> The Addressing Administrator is considering a road name change of a portion of Teer Road <br /> (Secondary Road 1100) to Flatrock Road. Originally Teer Road was a single road, but the Cane <br /> Creek Reservoir now intersects Teer Road. This has caused duplicate named road segments <br /> and prevents free travel from one segment of the road to the other. The duplicate name road <br /> segments on Teer Road interfere with the accurate dispatch of emergency vehicles. Orange <br /> County Emergency Services has requested that a portion of Teer Road (Secondary Road 1100) <br /> be renamed to avoid the inaccurate dispatch of emergency vehicles. <br /> The Address Administrator has corresponded with all of the land owners that would be affected <br /> by the renaming of the road and the land owners agree with the renaming of the road and with <br /> the new name of the road. <br />