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32 <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos said many HOAs do not allow clotheslines, and he <br /> suggested that these be irrevocably allowed. <br /> Tim Smith said okay. <br /> Commissioner Price referred to the open space to the east, which backs up to other <br /> existing properties, and asked if that will be open to the adjoining property owners. <br /> Tim Smith said it is not the intent, but it will remain as it is now. <br /> Commissioner Price asked if there is going to be a barrier. <br /> Tim Smith said no, it will be in its natural state. <br /> Commissioner Price said there will be only one entrance and exit on Highway 70, <br /> and asked if the Department of Transportation (DOT) is going to add a turn lane. <br /> Tim Smith said a left turn lane will be part of the project, as well as a deceleration <br /> right turn lane heading west. <br /> Commissioner Price asked if this will go from Lawrence Road to the entrance. <br /> Tim Smith said there will be a 200 foot deceleration lane. <br /> Commissioner Greene asked if two entrances were considered. <br /> Tim Smith said DOT did not want it, and it is cleaner with only one entrance. <br /> Chair Rich asked if the payment in lieu (PIL)for the open space could be explained. <br /> Patrick Mallett said the PIL is determined by the number of units in the park district <br /> that it is in. He said the fee must be paid prior to the recordation, and the money goes into <br /> the park funds for parks and recreation in that area. He said it is a substantial amount of <br /> money. <br /> Commissioner McKee asked if that is standard for all projects. <br /> Tim Smith said yes. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said the preliminary plat summary says the average lot size <br /> is 1.3 acres, and there was some discussion with the Planning Board about this. He asked <br /> if the size of the houses has been determined. <br /> Tim Smith said that will depend on the size of the lot, but right now the developer is <br /> proposing about 4-5 bedrooms, around 3500-4500 square feet. <br /> Commissioner Price asked if there is a timeline for this development and the road <br /> construction. <br /> Tim Smith said the plan is to build the infrastructure for the roads and create the lots <br /> by late 2019/early 2020. <br /> Patrick Mallett said the interior roads will have to be built to DOT standards prior to <br /> recordation, and it would be in the developer's interest to do the turn lanes on 70 upfront <br /> and work their way inward. <br /> Patrick Mallett said DOT has reserved 5 feet of additional right-of-ways due to <br /> known capital improvements to 70 that are coming online after this project. <br /> Commissioner Price said it will be important to have good public relations on this, as <br /> the roads will be a mess. <br /> PUBLIC COMMENT: <br /> Paul Noe said he is a resident of Eno Township, and he and his neighbors have <br /> been to a lot of the meetings and have expressed their concerns. He said the primary <br /> concern is the large size of the homes going on well and septic, when there are no plans to <br /> have city water out there any time soon. He said as this development goes in, and others <br /> too, he would like to know the demand that will be placed on the water supply. He said he <br /> is concerned that he and his neighbors will have to spend their own money to dig deeper <br /> wells, due to the demand on the water supply. He said the County has assured him and his <br /> neighbors that this will not happen, but he would like to know to whom they should turn if <br /> this does happen. He requested that the Board take these concerns to heart, and for future <br /> development issues. <br />