Orange County NC Website
28 <br /> Stormwater Drainage: Drainage will be engineered according to applicable County regulations, <br /> as embodied within the UDO, governing the development of Stormwater Control Measures <br /> (SCMs) at the time of permit application/commencement of land disturbing activities. <br /> Stormwater review is required within the Lower Eno Protected Watershed Protection Overlay <br /> district when land disturbance activities exceed 21,780 square feet (one half acre). Sheet C-4 of <br /> the submittal indicates approximately 8.02 acres of initial land disturbance is proposed for the <br /> project. Staff has already determined this project will disturb sufficient land area to require <br /> stormwater review and permitting. Review and permitting of SCMs shall be administered by the <br /> County's Engineering and Erosion Control division. <br /> As indicated on the submitted Preliminary Plat, drainage will be handled through a system of <br /> ditches located within proposed road rights-of-way and Common Open Space. The type of SCM <br /> required shall be determined at the stormwater permitting stage of the project after the <br /> Preliminary Plat has been approved. <br /> STAFF COMMENT. The applicant has submitted a preliminary stormwater analysis <br /> for staff review and comment. <br /> Open Space: Open space for the project is broken down on Sheet C-3 of the submittal as <br /> follows: <br /> 15. Primary Open Space (i.e. wetlands, streams, floodplains, slopes greater than 25%, <br /> natural areas/wildlife corridors, etc.)— 6.43 acres (280,082 square feet); <br /> 16. Secondary Open Space (i.e. Open space access, woodlands, slopes between 15% and <br /> 25%, scenic views, etc.)— 7.08 acres (308,354 square feet); and <br /> 17. Type "E" Buffer and access areas to Common Open Space (i.e. 75-foot wide buffer <br /> along US Highway 70 East and 20-foot Access Easements along perimeter)— 2.03 <br /> acres (88,444 square feet). <br /> The total area reserved as Common Open Space is approximately 15.54 acres (37% of the <br /> site). <br /> These areas are composed of lawn, fields and forested areas with existing, mature, vegetation <br /> and trees with an approximate height of between 50 to 80 feet. All 20 lots are adjacent and/or <br /> have access to Primary and/or Secondary Common Open Space areas. <br /> STAFF COMMENT. Staff has determined the proposed open space meets the <br /> requirements of the UDO. <br /> Land Use Buffer: The Preliminary Plat indicates there will be a 75-foot Type "E" land use buffer <br /> along US Highway 70 East. The buffers are comprised of existing, dense, vegetation composed <br /> of existing, mature, shrubs and trees with an approximate height of between 20 to 80 feet. <br /> Sheets C-3 and C-9 indicate that the buffer will be augmented when preserved vegetation is not <br /> sufficient to meet the minimum Type "E" landscape requirements (i.e. a minimum of 7-8 canopy <br /> trees, 4-13 understory trees and 58-77 shrubs per 100 linear feet of buffer). Additional emphasis <br /> will be given to utilizing the appropriate evergreen trees and shrubs to maximize the opacity of <br /> the buffer. <br /> STAFF COMMENT. Section 6.8.6 (D) of the UDO requires that this project maintain <br /> a 75-foot land use buffer separating the project from adjacent Arterial Roadways (US <br /> Highway 70 East). Staff has determined the proposed Common Open Space and <br />