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22 <br /> WHEREAS, studies show that universal healthcare will not be achievable without serious <br /> downward pressure on out-of-control healthcare costs in the US; and <br /> WHEREAS, the US has the highest costs in the world, spending on average double per capita <br /> what most other countries spend per capita, even as 12.5% of adults had no health insurance at <br /> all in the first half of 2018, which is worse than 2013 and is expected to rise as premiums <br /> increase without checks; and <br /> WHEREAS, according to the CDC, only 8.5 million people got plans from for <br /> 2019; and <br /> WHEREAS, out-of-pocket costs for individuals with insurance is forcing them to delay care at <br /> extraordinary rates, noting that more than half of 18-44 year olds did not get care in the 12 <br /> months preceding February 2018; and <br /> WHEREAS, 45% of adults age 19-64 are now underinsured, many of whom are on employer- <br /> based private insurance plans; and <br /> WHEREAS, the cost of health insurance continues to rise while workers' wages and benefits <br /> continue to stagnate and fall; and <br /> WHEREAS, nearly 60% of for-profit insurance revenue of Cigna, Anthem, Humana, Aetna, and <br /> United Healthcare is now coming from Medicare and Medicaid; and <br /> WHEREAS, public dollars are used to subsidize private insurance companies, with ACA <br /> subsidies and more and more Medicaid and Medicare being taken over by private for-profit <br /> companies, who then deny care; and <br /> WHEREAS, these high costs and meager coverages do not contribute to higher health <br /> outcomes with the US ranking lowest in the world when compared to similar countries and <br /> people are dying at increasing rates; and <br /> WHEREAS, the establishment of a Medicare for All single payer system in the United States will <br /> free millions of workers who are currently dependent on their employers for health insurance, <br /> with workers not only having greater security in access to care for themselves and their families, <br /> but also greater flexibility to change jobs and professions or start their own business to suit their <br /> unique skill sets (19% of people age 50-64 say they are staying in current jobs rather than <br /> change or retire because of health insurance needs, even as many young people out of college <br /> are unable to occupy these jobs); and <br /> WHEREAS, over 1,000 national, regional and local unions, state labor federations and central <br /> labor councils have endorsed Medicare for All and organizations like the National Nurses <br /> United, the Labor Campaign for Single-Payer and Physicians for a National Health Program <br /> have made single-payer a priority in their work such that the campaign represents a major <br /> opportunity to build relationships with and forge solidarity with the leading edge of the labor <br /> movement; and <br /> WHEREAS, abolishing the health insurance industry will require an unprecedented level of <br /> mobilization and organization; <br />